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Author's Pov


Fear is our only companion when we are alone, when we are in danger, and when we feel that no matter what happens, we won't be able to survive.

Some people even fear love, comfort, joy, happiness, enjoyment, and even survival. What happens next? They don't know, and they don't even want to know. They just want to disappear, to cease their sufferings and even their lives.

Fear is what she always felt, no matter when, where, or how. She didn't want to live, but she couldn't give up on her chances to live freely. After all, she was too naive to comprehend her situation. She was taught that she deserved it, so she does.

No questions were asked.

So she accepted it openly. Everything he had to give, she took it silently. Too silently that she even forgot her own voice. She never hoped; she just waited.

She never hoped to live, she just waited to die.

The voices of rustling leaves and the kids playing around filled the atmosphere. People were returning to their homes, hoping to receive a mouthwatering meal and a nice nap after the whole day of working. Orange and pink hues were splashed across the sky, creating a heavenly atmosphere like a painting on a canvas. Little kids were hopping around, waiting for their mothers, who'd pick them up and even give them some candy later.

In the vast city of Mumbai, which was sprawled across vast lands, in the city of dreams, there on the outskirts of the city stood a huge colony, a society with a few individual houses, where people were chattering, kids were playing, and then, as usual, the aunties were bickering. The society looked pretty decent, with the hustle and bustle going around. It was noisy.

Too noisy to even hear if someone screamed for help there.

The last lanes of the place were abandoned, with only a few people living here and there. In the corner of the place stood a large house, surrounded by a few abandoned houses beside it. No one knew why someone would even buy a place there when they could pretty much live in the busier part of the colony.

No one yet knew the horror behind the four walls of that house. The house was pretty decent too, if not luxurious, not poor either. The owner of the house never interacted much with the other people.

Peeking through the house, we could see a small girl laying on her bed, her head on her pillow, sweat glistening on her features, and blood trickling down her chin. Her once shiny, Auburn hair was sprawled across the hard pillow, the darkness was covering her room, and tears fell down her hopeless, lifeless, beautiful green eyes. She was tiny and skinny---too skinny for her own good. Her face was pale, her arms and legs littered with cuts and three large cuts on her left wrist were deeply prominent.

It was disturbing that not a sound came out of her mouth.

Laying on the pathetic excuse of a mattress, which she was told was a bed, she replayed the incidents that happened a few hours ago. He came and punished her and she took it silently. She knew she was at fault, so she waited for her punishment to be completed. But she also knew she didn't deserve this treatment, somewhere deep inside of her. She knew. She dared to break a glass and even look into his eyes. She wasn't even allowed to touch the glass.

What was she even doing?

'Listen, little bitch, go tidy yourself up. I will be back at seven. And clean up your dirty blood from my floor; go away!' She recalled his words.

With great difficulty, she stood up and went towards the washroom. She had already cleaned up the floor before coming inside her bedroom.

Thankfully, her stepfather was considerate enough to let her use his bathroom.
Stripping off her clothes, she went inside the shower. Not even hissing at the contact of water, nor the soap that followed it, she washed herself. She hoped she could run away, far from here. But now, that hope has vanished. The last time she tried to run away, she was as good as dead. And the problem?

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