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Author's POV

"Hey Myra."

Amayra looked at her sister-in-law, Shikha, as the latter spoke. She nodded in response, gesturing for her to continue.

"I've baked a cake. Would you like some?"

Amayra nodded again with a smile.

She doesn't remember the last time she ate one. Probably more than eight years ago.

Days have passed by in a blur, and Amayra has become more comfortable with the females of the Singhania family. She has formed a great bond with her sister-in-laws, accompanied her mother and aunts for their evening tea, and takes a stroll around the garden with her grandmother every now and then.

Everything was going well-well, everything except the tutor who teaches her. She has been more and more aggressive with Amayra, and the latter is becoming scared day by day. Her harsh language and taunts were bestowed upon Amayra frequently, keeping her on the edge.

"Here, have some," Shikha says with a smile, placing a plate down on the table.

Amayra took a spoonful of cake in her mouth and couldn't help but swoon at the sweet taste.

It was delicious.

With a smile on her face, she finished the whole large piece of cake in minutes.

"Take some more if you want, Myra."

Mahira says, smiling warmly at her.

She likes both of her sister-in-laws, no doubt. Mahira is sweet and warm, just like her mother. Shikha, on the other hand, was more of a cool best friend; she was bold and straightforward.

Another piece was given to her, and she wasted no time in devouring the dessert. The people in the family have come to know about her love for sweets and have given her loads of sweets and desserts from time to time. However, she wasn't allowed to have too much.

Abhimanyu seemed to be unreachable these days, with his meetings lining back to back. He was rarely at home, and whenever he was, he would be too tired. He still managed to spend some time with her every weekend, which warmed her heart. According to Karan, he was busy with both the companies and the matters of the Singhania Empire now that he was going to take over as chairperson. Abhimanyu, however, assured her that he would soon finish all his work and stay at home more.

"Myra, I think it's time for your tutor to be here."

Her mother reprimanded her, glancing at her watch. Nodding, she silently went upstairs to arrange her room.

Her gloomy face wasn't unnoticed by the ladies, though.


"Can't you do one thing right?"

The tutor, Alina, snarled at Amayra, making her flinch. Her notebook was slammed on the table forcefully, making her look down.

Amayra glanced at her notebook, only to see a few spelling errors. The errors were marked with a bright red pen, making her aware of the mistakes.

Choosing to silently bow her head, she looked down at her clammy hands.

A loud noise startled her, making her look up at Alina, who had slammed her hand on the table harshly.

"Look at me, lady!"

She yelled as Amayra felt tears pooling in her eyes. She remained silent and unmoving. She wasn't courageous enough to face her seething teacher.

"You are going to attend school soon. Is that how you are going to be in there? Like a damn loser?"

You're weak and pathetic. Like a damn loser!

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