27. The Truth Shall Set a Fee

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"The truth is, Ella...we have a brother."

Behind me, Amy nearly choked on her own spittle. Mr Ambrose's head snapped around to stare at me.

"A...a brother?" Ella demanded disbelievingly.


Mr Ambrose's stare intensified, sinking to temperatures that could freeze a polar bear's butthole shut.

Oy, don't look at me like that! What was I supposed to do? Tell my innocent little sister that her favourite sibling had been moonlighting as a man for years, travelling all over the world, braving deserts, duelling desperados and all around risking her neck? I can think of less cruel ways to give her a heart attack!

Plus, I was a coward. Bite me!

"H-how?" My little sister's eyes were wide. "How could I have a brother? I don't remember anything about—"

"It's such a tragic story." I gave a long sigh. "When mother gave birth to me, it wasn't me alone. I...I had a brother. A twin. But then...sniff..." I reached up to wipe away a non-existent tear, trying very hard to ignore the baleful glare Mr Rikkard Ambrose was sending my way. "A wicked, wicked man who had been dismissed from father's service snuck into the hospital and stole him away in the night. It wasn't till years later, when Victor entered Mr Ambrose's employ, that I met him."


"That is his name," I told her with a mournful look in my eyes. "Truly, it is such a tragedy that you didn't get to meet him earlier. He's such a delightful person. Kind, intelligent, strong-willed, charismatic, honest and upri—ow!"

Mr Ambrose's foot had landed on my toes.

"Ehem, anyway..." I cleared my throat. "I was going to tell you all about him soon—but then dear Victor heard about that bloody Frenchman setting his sights on Adaira. He had long been pining for her love and, hearing that she was in peril, immediately set out to gallantly rescue her from the grasp of the despicable villain that—"

And thus, I started to spin a beautiful story of my brave, long-lost brother going up against the foreign fiend who tried to steal away a fair maiden. Wasn't he an amazing fellow, this Mr Victor Linton? A downright prince charming, straight from a fairy tale! Too bad that the glares from Mr Ambrose and my friends made it all too clear no one was buying this little story. It really was incredible for anyone to belie—

"Amazing!" Ella clapped her hands, her eyes shining. "He sounds like such a kind, honest and upright man! When can I meet him?"


She actually swallowed that?

I had to resist the urge to facepalm. Of course she did! She's Ella!

"You, ehem...will have to wait a little bit, I'm afraid." I put on a regretful face. "He was injured in a bandit attack and is currently resting."

"Oh my goodness!" She covered her mouth with both hands. "Is he going to be all right?"

I gave her a reassuring smile. "He is recovering. It's just that, unfortunately, at the moment he is not well enough to see other people."

"I see." Her shoulders slumped. "What a shame. Well, tell me when he recovers, will you? I'd love to get to know him!"

"Tell me when he recovers, as well," chimed in Mr Ambrose's chilly voice. "I should have a chat with Mr Linton, and congratulate him for being so kind, intelligent, strong-willed, charismatic, honest and upright."

I swallowed. "Um...sure, I will. I'm certain he'll be delighted to see you."

"Splendid!" Ella beamed as if my words had been meant solely for her. Leaping up, she rushed towards the door. "I must get ready to make a good impression on the poor man. Separated from his family for so long...it's so sad! He didn't even get to see us grow up! I wonder what I could do to cheer him up?" Suddenly, she snapped her fingers. "Oh, I know! I've got to find some of our baby pictures from when mother and father were still alive! I'll bet he'd love to see those!"

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