30. Ballbuster

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"Mademoiselle Adaira...may I have the honour of this dance?"

The vicomte's words echoed through the ballroom for the entire crowd to hear. Instantly, everyone fell silent and turned their eyes on the nobleman bowing before his lady love.

As for said lady love?

She opened her mouth, eyes boring into the vicomte as if he were the bug to her boot. "I ref—"

"Splendid!" the marquess exclaimed. "Such a wonderful couple. They will make a fine pair for the first dance." Imperiously, he gestured to the quartet, and the four musicians readied their instruments without hesitation. "I hereby declare this ball officially opened!"

"Lilly?" Adaira hissed out of the corner of her mouth and sent me a pleading look. "You're my friend, right? My dear sister-in-law. You wouldn't mind helping me out of a tight spot?"

"Sister-in-law?" I cocked my head, a perfectly innocent expression on my face. Living with Ella, I'd had plenty of opportunity to copy that expression for when I needed to screw with someone. "You must have me confused with someone else. I am Mr Victor Linton, not my sister Lilly—as evidenced by the fact that I just had to dance with a lady."

"Oh, for heaven's sa—! You're not still pissed off about that, are you?"

"Of course not." Patting her shoulder, I gave her an encouraging smile. "Don't you worry. I'll watch over you, just like you watched over me."

Her eyebrow twitched. "Meaning you'll stand aside and enjoy the show."

"Well, I wouldn't exactly put it that way, but..."

"...but that's exactly what you'll do."


"You...! Don't you dare use that bloody word! I get enough of that from my brother!"


"Come on, Lilly! Help out your sis!"

"Don't worry." I patted her shoulder. "It's only a dance, right?"


"Guilty as charged."

"What if the French bastard has hatched another one of his nefarious plans?"

"Don't worry. I doubt there are any bandits in this ballroom."

"How do you know? They could be hiding behind the curtains!"

"Well, if that's the case, I'll make sure to heroically rescue you as is my duty as your future betrothed. Have fun."

And, with that, I turned around and, whistling, sauntered away, towards the other end of the ballroom.

"I curse you!" Adaira announced behind me in a tone straight from a Transylvanian graveyard. "I curse you to dance with beautiful women this entire evening."

I couldn't help but snort as she was led away by her dance partner.

Ha! As if something like that would actually work!

I had just finished that thought when a voice came from right behind me. The voice of my little sister Ella. "Victor! I've finally found you! Oh, um...may I call you Victor? Please wait a moment!"

Oh crap! I just couldn't help tempting fate, could I?

Hastening my steps, I slipped into the crowd and ducked behind a conveniently massive lady, who was currently busy devouring a plate full of biscuits at the buffet. A moment later, Ella appeared, huffing and puffing—but by that time, I was already securely hidden underneath the table. Thank God Her Ladyship the marchioness had picked nice, long table cloths that reached all the way down to the ground.

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