Chapter 12

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Drews POV:

"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Drew Line and Jenna Ross!" The host said as the band started to play.

Jenna looked at me with a smile, then took my hand in hers.

"Show time babe." She said, then pulled me through the curtain with her.

I plastered a smile onto my face and waved at the audience with my free hand as we walked to the couches next to the host's desk.

"Welcome, welcome!" Tom Heath, the host, said to the two of us after we sat down.

"Thanks." I said sweetly. "It's good to be here."

Jenna, who was seated very close to me on the couch still holding my hand, just nodded and smiled at the audience.

"I can't believe how good your new movie is Drew. I swear you could portray a trash man and deserve an Oscar." Tom said, making the audience laugh and cheer.

I blushed immediately "I couldn't have done it without the talented cast, directors and producers behind me. They really turn my lack luster performance into something special." I shrugged. I looked at Jenna and grinned as she pulled my arm into her lap smiling.

"Oh please. If I didn't see your Instagram pictures this week after I saw the movie, I'd swear you were in love with your costar Daniel Jacobs. You two were amazing!"

"Oh, thank you. Daniel made pretending to love him very easy." I chuckled.

"It was beautiful. But, there's no pretending here." He said pointing to Jenna and I. "May I just say how gorgeous of a couple you are?" The audience roared with approval.

Jenna and I looked at each other and laughed. She leaned into my ear and whispered "No pretending here." Then leaned back and grinned at the audience again.

Was she joking? No pretending here? She had to be joking. I brushed it off quickly and smiled at Tom. "Thank you... I guess." I chuckled.

"So Jenna. Will you tell us how this..." He gestured between us. "Started?"

She shifted a little with my hand still in her lap.

"Well Tom. We spent a lot of time on set together. She was sweet, nice and always offered to take me to dinner. I guess we just really hit it off." She shrugged.

All of those things were true, except I offered to take all my costars to dinner because I always felt bad when I got paid more than these up-and-coming actors...

I just smiled and nodded.

"You two seem really happy." Tom said. "Okay! We will be right back with more Jenna and Drew after the break!" Tom said to the camera.

"And we're off!" A man yelled from off stage.

After the break Jenna and I played a round of Answer or Eat with Tom. Of course, he asked me questions I could never dream of answering or Carli's head would fly off, so I ended up having to eat a cow tongue and bird saliva. It was vile.

He asks Jenna subtle questions about me. This man knows what the audience wants, for sure. At one point he even asked Jenna if the rumors that I was good in bed were true.

My mouth hung open at the question and she winked at me and nodded her head yes to Tom shyly. The crowd went ballistic.

God get me out of here.

Finally, after what felt like hours we were finally released from the hosts grip and sent back stage.

"Fucking amazing job, Ugly." Carli said patting my back.

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