Chapter 32

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Pic is to give you an idea of what Carl and Jules wore.*

Julie's POV:

I have never wanted to be the center of attention. Even on a day that's supposed to be all about me. Like today. My wedding day. But sometimes it would be nice to be fussed over. Sometimes I just feel like the bonus friend in this group.

Except for Carli. She treats me like I walk on water.

It's weird to think Carli Olsen is going to be my wife in a few minutes.

Being with Carli has not been without it's struggles. Our personalities are almost the exact opposite of each others. Where she's a little brash and straightforward, I'm reserved and evasive. Carli thrives under pressure. I fold under it.

I think that's why we work so well together though.

"Jules. You ready?" Olivia asked from behind me. I turned to look at her with a smile.

"I... I think I am." I said nervously.

"Oh Jules everything is going to be great." She said walking over and hugging me.

"You look absolutely stunning." She said backing away from me and scanning my dress.

I turned around to face the mirror. My white dress flowed down to the floor covering my small white heals. The dress made my skin look like it was glowing. My black hair was straightened and tucked behind my ears showing off the Diamond earrings Carli got me for Christmas. My makeup was simple and light. Everything about me was plain, not attention drawing.

I looked in the mirror at myself then the perfect woman behind me and started crying.

"Oh Jules! Please don't cry! What's wrong?" Olivia said wrapping her arms around me.

I don't know what's come over me.

"It... it's my wedding day." I sobbed.

"I know hun. It's going to amazing!" She said still holding me.

"I just. I look so plain and it's my wedding day." I said tears ruining my makeup.

"Julie, you look beautiful. Please don't sell yourself short." She said stepping back from me and wiping my tears.

I feel really bad that I'm crying. I never ever complain. I don't know why this is spewing out of me.

"You are gorgeous." She said kissing my forehead.

"Thanks Olivia. I don't know what came over me."

"Pre wedding jitters." She smiled. "Let me fix your makeup."

"Yeah okay." I nodded and wiped my face with a tissue.

"I am so grateful for you Jules." Olivia said while putting makeup on my eyebrows.

"You took care of those three hooligans for the last 3 years." She giggled.

"They do have a knack for getting themselves into precarious situations." I giggled back.

She finished up my eye makeup adding a little bit of a Smokey eye.

"I'm also grateful for our friendship. I don't really have any friends of my own. I like to think of you as my best friend though." She smiled handing me some red lipstick to put on.

"Me too." I nodded "I'm so glad you moved in. It was starting to feel like a bachelor pad." I laughed applying the lipstick.

Olivia is amazing. She literally just made me feel better by just talking to me.

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