chapter -26

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|Rocky pov|

Rohan brought me some mine deals paper for sign so i excused myself and came outside.

He gave me the papers and after reading it, i signed and then i stepped inside the mansion only go here some giggle and laughing sounds.

Are the enjoying??? Why are the laughing like crazy people???

I came to the hall and saw.......

she had pillow and throwed the pillow with full of force in my direction.

And it straightly hit my face............

Everyone got shocked..................................
Saara gulped her saliva in fear.........

I took the pillow and looked at him with anger filled eyes.

"I-i a-am s-sorry" she said looking down in fear and embrassment.

"It's ok" i said clunching my jaws.
It was accident and also i don't want to spoil this environment by telling at her.

Then everything became normal and i sat beside her.

"Who was the lucky girl, rish?" She asked as she didn't see anyone yet still.

"Oh, she is getting ready to meet her one and only sister in law for almost three hours already" he said and she  laughed at his statement.

Three hours???

"Wait i will call her" Harish said and stood up.
He went to his room and brought a his wife.

They came downstairs and she came and greeted saara and me.

Then Harish spoke

"Saara, this is my wife, hashika"

Hi, saara nice to meet you dear" she said to her while smiling

"Nice to meet you too.How old are you di?" She asked

"24" she said.

4 years elder than me??

What??? Is she 20 years old???
I looked at her shocked because i thought she will not be this younger...

"When, where and how did you got married rish?? Tell me" she asked him.

"Well..........we started loving each other in collage and i was scared to tell this to father as he strictly forbidden us (Harish &nakul)from dating. After Rocky took you with him....we all broke so much.......that was when my harshika came.
She came and took care of ma, nakul and me. And........we got married with the help of Rocky" he completed and looked at me while she looked at me shocked

She looked beside her and saw me who is expressionless .

Yea, i made them get married.....what's wrong in this...they loved each other and there is no one to take care of this broken family .

"Hold on hold on.....i couldn't understand" she said confused

"Rocky found us loving each other and he went to harshika's father and asked her hand for me. Then he got us married together" he said and smiled at harshika .

Then after having some chat, her mother requested us to have dinner with them and i thought for some minutes and agreed

She was looking at me shocked.......why is she always looking at me with those big eyes in shock??? Am i a goust or vampire????

Then they were preparing food while i was scheduling my schedule with Rohan.

I saw her getting downstairs while deeply thinking.

She looked at me and smiled....

At me?? *Shocked* she never smiled at me.....what's happening here..

She came downstairs and went to help her mother while i was thinking at her sudden behaviour.

Did sun rise in the west today???

|After some hours|

Saara and her mother and her sister in law was arranging food in the dinning table.

Saara came to me and called me to come and i went with her.

Everyone sat and saara served everyone.

She served me while i stared at her.
I can see her nervous and it made me smile.

She is too afraid and nervous around me.

After serving all, she sat beside me and started eating.

They were smiling and chatting.

I see her genuine smile today.

I started eating

|Saara pov|

After hearing what nakul said i couldn't proceed but felt somehow happy.

I never thought him to be this warm hearted....i always thought him as cold hearted or heartless but today after what nakul said my point of view on him was completely changed.

My heart Started making a special corner for him.

With all this thinking, i came downstairs and saw him sitting on the sofa.
He looked at me and unknowingly, an smile crept on my face.

It was a genuine one..........................

I came downstairs and went to the kitchen to help mother and sister in law.

After some hours, we completed cooking and we kept all the food items on the dining table.

I went to him and called him to have dinner and he came with me

He sat and soon nakul and Harish too came and i started serving them.

I came to Rocky and served him.
I don't know why I am feeling nervous around this man. He kept on staring me which made me nervous more.

After serving him, i went to nakul and Harish and served them and i sat beside Rocky.

We started chatting

"Saara, did you remember when one boy said i love you to you infront of our father?" Harish said which made me laugh

"How can I forget that?? I remembered how papa scared him to the hell. After that he shifted the collage itself because of the fear he had on papa" i said and suddenly i remembered my papa..........

Everyone will say that father's are the son's first hero and daughter's first love.

It is right in my case, my father had never failed to be my hero and first love.

He protected me in all the way he could and he was a best one for his daughter and sons.

He succeeded in being a father to his daughter and two sons but failed to be a good human................

But still, he is a best father to his daughter.

I looked around and saw my mother's tear feel from her eyes. Nakul looked sad and Harish too had some dry tears.

I stood up and went to my mother and hugged and comforted her.

"Ma, please don't cry.............we are here for you" i said

I could very well understand her pain.....but what about rocky's?

He too lost his wife......not only his wife but also his baby, his unborn child whom he didn't even get a chance to see or feel.
How his wife came to see his husband and told him that she is pregnant...................he didn't even got the time to feel what his wife said.........his wife died infront of him.............

I can understand his pain


Hi guys!

What do you think about this part???

I am so so sorry.....i am having my exams going on and since it's Sunday i updated.

Info: from next episode it's going to be so serious so don't miss out! Unclear truths are going to be reaveled.

What do you think about saara's pov about Rocky now?

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