Episode 10: Encounter With The Unknown

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All right here we go Episode 10: Encounter With The Unknown now some changes are going to happen for this episode but I hope you guys enjoy this episode and I hope you're enjoying the story so far now let's begin.

A tall muscular creature with a bird like beak with its brain exposed walks out the black and purple smoke portal and stands beside the man with the grass blue hair red eyes black clothes red shoes and hands all over him "the only real heroes I see are Thirteen and Eraserhead" the black and purple smoke says as It gets thin wispy looking yellow eyes "perplexing according to the schedule we received from UA All Might should be here as well "so you scumbags used the press as a cover and snuck onto campus "where Is he? I went through the trouble of bringing so many friends who're eager to meet him" the man wearing all black covered in hands says "they want All Might the great symbol of peace I can't believe he's not here" the man says "maybe If I kill a few kids he'll come out to play" the man says as Eraserhead activates his quirk as his hair floats up and his capture scarf floats everywhere around him.

"What? real villains? no way how could so many of em get into a UA facility to secure?" Eijiro says "yeah thirteen why aren't the alarms going off?" Momo asks as she walks up "good question I'm not sure" Thirteen says as Tenya and Momo gasp "Is the entire campus under attack?" Shoto asks "or Is this their only target either way if the alarm sensors aren't being triggered then one of these villains must have a quirk that's masking their presence here" Shoto analyzes as the nearly 200 villains keep advancing "they carefully chose this Isolated facility as an entry point at a time when a class was being taught" Shoto says "they're fools for trespassing for trespassing here but they've thought this out" Shoto says.

"Whatever their plan they must have a concrete objective in mind but what Is It?" Shoto says as everybody gasps "Thirteen get them outta here and alert the main campus" Eraserhead says walking in front of Thirteen "actually If they've got the ability to block our sensors then they might be jamming our regular communications too" Eraserhead says "Kaminari try using your quirk to contact the school" Eraserhead says "yes sir" Denki says as he tries to fuel his quirk electrification do you one of the ear radios on his costume "what're you gonna do you can't fight them all on your own there's too many of them even if you can nullify their quirks you're fighting style's not suited for this" I explain.

"Your power works best in stealth and one on one fights that's not gonna help with a group" I explain "you can't be a pro if you only have one trick" Eraserhead says "I'll leave it to you Thirteen" Eraserhead says as Thirteen nods as Eraserhead jumps into the fight going down the stairs "shooting squad take your aim" a man with a silver mask with black and blue eyes with gun fingers says aiming them as other villains with similar quirks do the same "didn't our Intel say it was just gonna be Thirteen and All Might out here? who's that?" a female villain a young woman of average build and height, with brown eyes, and long gray hair styled into dreadlocks wearing a dark purple bodysuit with sleeves sporting a gray and light purple pattern, along with black boots known as needle hair says as her hair then starts moving like tentacles.

"Don't recognize him" a hulking, obese man. He wears a large, stitched pale green suit with a dark grey gas mask that has three bovine-like horns protruding out of it. When he prepares to use his Quirk, the holes in its respirator glows red. He also wears small black boots known as stitched giant says "but If he thinks he can take us down easy then he's dead" stitched giant says as the three prepare to use their quirks as Eraserhead activates his quirk as their quirks don't work as they wonder why their quirks aren't working.

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