Episode 12: All Might

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All right here we go Episode 12: All Might ok season one almost done hope you guys are ready for season two now I hope you guys enjoy this episode and I hope you're enjoying the story so far now let's begin.

All Might walks through the smoke as Mina starts crying in relief "I couldn't shake the feeling that something had gone here wrong when Aizawa and Thirteen didn't answer my calls so I hurried over running Into young Iida on the way" All Might says "he told me of the villainy at work here" All Might says gritting his teeth ("I can't believe all of this went down while I was resting") All Might says mentally thinking about what Tenya told him a little earlier ("I hate to think of how frightened these children must be and how hard my colleagues had to fight in order to protect them") All Might says mentally as Thirteen struggles ("the only thing I can do now is reassure them that things will be okay") All Might says mentally as he is walking forward.

("That's my duty as the symbol of peace") All Might says mentally "have no fear students because I am here" All Might says ripping off his tie "after all this waiting the heroic piece of trash shows up" Tomura says as he stands up.

"Holy crap It's All Might" a random villain says "I've never seen the guy in person before" another random villain says "I didn't expect him to be so huge" a hulking man with bluish skin. He has a single eye on his face, similar to a cyclops, and two large horns grow on either side of his head. He wearing black sleeveless clothing, grayish brown pants, and a large white belt across his body known as the villain Minotaurus "This Is no time to talk you idiots" the patchwork villain Eraserhead was fighting earlier says "If we strike now we can kill him-" the villain was about to say as All Might looks like he disappears as the patchwork villain is knocked down by a punch as the other villains gasp as they also get knocked down In the blink of an eye as All Might appears behind them with Eraserhead underneath his hand as he's kneeling behind the villains.

All Might stands up holding Eraserhead In his arms "I'm sorry Aizawa I should've been here" All Might says turning towards Tomura and the nomu as he launches forward getting Tsuyu, Mineta and I out-of-the-way as he stands hunched over holding Eraserhead, Tsuyu, Mineta and I in front of Tomura and the nomu as the hand on Tomura's face falls off falling on the ground "what the hell" Mineta says shocked "everybody back to the entrance and take Aizawa with you he doesn't have much time" All Might says standing up "yes sir" Mineta says "ribbit" Tsuyu says as they prepare to go to the exit "you saved us All Might" I say as Tomura starts breathing heavily.

"No no no It wasn't supposed to go this way" Tomura says with his hands on his face as he has his left hand on his face and walks over to the hand that fell off his face "he's still fast father somehow he managed to hit me" Tomura says picking up his father's hand and putting it back on his face and calming down "of course the government hero relies on violence I wasn't prepared" Tomura says "I couldn't even see him when he moved but he's not as fast as I thought he would be not as fast as he used to be" Tomura says "I guess it's true after all" Tomura says smiling behind his father's hand "All Might really Is getting weaker" Tomura says as I lift up Eraserhead "All Might that bird beaked monster with It's brain sticking out tanked a 100% smash and I didn't break my arm he's too strong" I say even though I know All Might Is going to beat It.

"Young Midoriya" All Might says before turning and doing a peace sign in front of his left eye with his left hand as Tsuyu, Mineta and I start carrying Eraserhead to the exit as Tomura stands up and turns to All Might as All Might turn to him and goes forward crossing his arms In an X formation with his hands in karate chop shapes "Carolina" All Might was about to say "Nomu" Tomura says as it gets in front of him "Smash!" All Might shouts hitting the Nomu with Carolina Smash causing the water to be blown away and some to blast up into the air from the wind pressure from the attack as All Might looks confused as the Nomu growls and raises It's arms to It's sides and tries to grab All Might but he dodges out of the way "guess he wasn't wrong when he said it had no effect on you!" All Might shouts punching the Nomu In the stomach with his right fist as the Nomu tries to swing at him again as he dodges the attack.

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