Chapter 3

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Opening my eyes I could see myself standing in front of the black door once more. 

Two numbers painted in black on the metal surface before me. 59.

I was standing in front of S-59's containment room again.

Wait. Again? How many times have i-

a strange distorted sound caught my attention, seemingly coming from inside of the vault and I froze. Feeling a chill run down my spine I looked down both ends of the hallway, seeing nothing but darkness.

"W-Who's there?" I called out but there was no reply. Looking back at the blast door I could see it was partially cracked open, just a few inches. Some kind of black mist was leaking from the gap and I could feel my heart rate starting to climb.

Something was inside. S-59. was inside that room. If there's a containment breach then everyone will be in danger. I-i have to pull the alarm and get the containment security here. I have to run-

"Ava," a distorted voice whispered in my ear. This time I could sense the presence standing behind me and all thoughts I had before, came to a screeching halt. 

"Release me…"


Gasping awake I sat up in a panic. A figure beside me grabbed my arm and shrieked before trying to push away. "Ava! It's me!" 

I focused on Kerian's face realizing who he was then quickly glanced around the room seeing we were in my bed. 

"it's okay you had a nightmare that's all. Relax, I'm right here… Nothing is going to hurt you." he pulled me into a hug while my heart raced in my chest and I slowly came back to reality.

After a moment I hugged kerian back and he pat my head trying his best to calm me down with small hushes and words or reassurance. After a few minutes I managed to calm my nerves and relaxed into his hold. 

"What time is it?" I pulled away and kerian looked down at me. 

"It's late, you didn't sleep very long and the night cycle is currently going outside."

"great, so coffee is out of the question…" I huffed. "Sorry if I woke you up…"

He patted my head and a small smile appeared on his lips. "don't worry I wasn't really getting much sleep either…want to talk about it?" 

Pulling my legs up I rested my head on my knees. "no…it wasn't even that scary. I think it just startled me. Nothing really happened." 

He watched me intently before pulling me against him into a hug and looking me in the eyes. "you don't have to be afraid of talking to me, I won't ever hold anything against you…"

This took me a bit by surprise, did kerian think I didn't want to talk because of him? Truthfully I just didn't see any reason to talk about the dream. I mean it was silly. Nothing happened to me, I was just…

I was just… 

Reaching up I held my head and tried to think about what had happened. Why can't I remember it now? It was like a word that I knew on the tip of my tongue that I just couldn't conjure. Yet no matter how hard I tried I couldn't think of it.

"maybe you'd like to take something to help you get back to sleep?"  I shook my head, still bothered by the lost dream. "Ava if your worried about another nightmare, I'll be right here-"

"N-no it's not that…"

He was silent before cupping my cheek and turning my head up so I would look him in the eyes. "if you insist that everything is fine then let us go back to sleep…" I looked deeply into his eyes once more and felt the tiredness from before seeping back into my body. I merely nodded as we laid back down and he held me close, kissing the top of my head while spooning me. 

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