chapter 8

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As soon as those words rang in my head, "you shouldn't be here", I jolted awake with a gasp.

Looking around frantically I found myself still within my room and my own bed, everything seemed normal, My alarm and computer both functioned as well as the lights meaning that was all just another dream. But just like before, it felt so real.

I grabbed my head trying to understand why I would dream of such a thing. It's common to have nightmares with this kind of job but to have two with that same creature? And such vivid ones at that, Is it really just a coincidence? I've never even met or seen such an anomaly...

Raising my head I looked towards the cabinet and quickly climbed out of bed. Opening the cabinet door I found numerous supplies inside but the one I needed most was a notebook I often used to take notes.

Finding the booklet I flipped to a blank page and started writing everything I remembered from the dream, even going as far as writing down everything I knew about it, from how it communicated, how it looked, and how it even sounded. Once I finished with the notes I flipped to another blank page and drew a picture of the creature. It's horns and hollow white eyes, the way it slouched slightly.

Once I was satisfied with the drawing I tore the page out and folded it up, placing it in my coat pocket. Even if I don't recognize the creature, perhaps someone else might. Just as I closed the notebook, my door opened and I spun around in my seat, Startled.

Kerian Stopped in his tracks looking a bit surprised. "Ava? Why are you still awake at this hour?"

I relaxed and put my hand to my chest. Why am I so jumpy? Did I think something else would come breaking into my room? "You should have knocked!"

Kerian Looked at me questioningly before stepping closer. As his eyes moved to the notebook in front of me he furrowed his brows. "Ava, don't tell me you've been up, working instead of sleeping-" as he reached for the notebook I quickly Snatched it up and stowed it in my desk drawer. I didn't want Kerian seeing it and getting worried.

"No, I just woke up and needed to write something down. What are you Doing here, kerian?"

"I came to check on you- is something Wrong ava?"

"No, I just can't sleep." I lied while avoiding his gaze.

Kerian didn't seem to believe me as he kneeled down in front of me and grabbed my hand. "ava if there is something the matter then-"

"Nothing's wrong kerian! Can't you just drop it?!" I snapped, almost instantly Regretting it.

Kerian looked at me surprised, saying nothing as we stared at each other. Why did i- looking away ashamed we were both silent, unable to say anything to one another. I didn't mean to snap at him, I just... Squeezing my eyes shut I leaned forward on my desk and grabbed my head.

"Dammit what is wrong with me." I whispered.

Hesitantly kerian reached out and placed his hand on my back comforting me despite the fact I lashed out at him.

Opening my eyes and lifting My head I looked back at him before hugging him. He Was quick to wrap his arms around me and hold me close. "I'm sorry." I mumbled into his shirt.

"It's alright." He replied, while running his hands through my hair.

"You're not upset?" I looked up to see him smiling at me.

"Of course not, it's not your fault, you're just tired is all, and besides how could I be angry with something as beautiful as you?" he chuckled.

Sulking I turned my head away with a pout. "I don't deserve you."

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