Chapter Eight.

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A few days had passed since Tilly's entrance to the world and Eliza was going through the motions, she wouldn't let this new exciting moment fool her and forget the pain Ivan had put her through, could she ever trust him again? Believe a word he said to her? Will she forever have to watch her back and have a plan b just incase he falls back to his old ways? After all, once a cheater, always a cheater. She would never let herself be a victim to his lust again.

She had to steer clear of Ivan as he could always read her thoughts and she didn't want him to know she had already started her plan b for when this all goes wrong, the cabin was no longer an option as he would suss them out quicker then she could lock the front door. She had never felt so low and unwanted before in her life, even with Ivan trying his best, he will never understand the damage his already caused. Elizabeth just wanted to feel loved, wanted and appreciated and they were the three things he could no longer offer her. There's only so much one person can take before they never look at you the same again and she had been pushed past that line.

"I love you" He said as he kissed her forehead, but she just couldn't say it back.
"I'm going to make Tilly a bottle" She mumbled as she hurried out the room, she couldn't bare it anymore, realising how used and abused she felt and thinking of the way she had been treated just didn't sit right with her, she deserved more and she was damn sure she was going to get it. He will never be able to regain her trust, never in a million years, what he done was unforgivable and definitely wasn't forgettable.

Maybe one day they could be happy? She thought, but the second she tried to see the positives everything negative came flooding back, he never loved her, respected her or treated her right so why would he now?

There was no point in trying to deny how she felt towards him, but now she had to protect herself and her daughter and there is nothing worse then breaking and destroying a child's main source of security and safety, damaging the mother only meant damaging the child in the long run, not that he cared anyway, he never did and never will.

She stood in the kitchen counting scoops when she heard the ping of a phone go off, she checked to see Ivan's phone sitting next to her on the side with a message from his affair, Amanda

'How are you doing?' She quickly unlocked his phone to see he had been talking to her for weeks, whilst she was suffering and pregnant with his child he had been talking to the woman he put before her, confiding in her but never once spoke to Elizabeth about his feelings. She felt sick to her stomach when she also realised he hadn't deleted all the sexual pictures on their chat, did he really have no respect or care for her at all?

She put the phone back onto the side and headed upstairs to start packing her bag and Tilly's bag. She should have known plan b would be needed quickly.
Once packed she headed into his office with Tilly's car seat and took her off him.
"Where are you going?" He asked confused.
"Far, far away from you" She replied as she strapped the smiling baby into her car seat, she headed out the room and down the stairs where her bags sat packed for her.
"What's happened? I don't understand?"
"Check your messages" Was all she said as she slammed the door behind her, she put Tilly into the car before loading up the bags, she saw his face in the kitchen window, he knew he had been caught out and he would still lie about it, because that's what men do, lie and betray. She drove off heading back to her home town, ready to leave all this and his cheating ass behind.

Ivan stood there watching her leave for the second time, and it was definitely worse than the first time. This time it didn't take him weeks to feel the pain and void in his chest, it only took a matter of seconds. He wasn't cheating with Amanda, it was way worse than that.

He thought he'd have time to know for sure before telling her, if he even had to at all. He didn't want to lose her again, nor his daughter but he could also see it from her point of view, any contact with Amanda was bound to hurt her, he knows it will break her heart when she finds out why.

The phone rang for a couple of seconds before Amanda picked up.
"What's going on?" She asked, knowing Ivan never called her, she knew deep down he was only being nice for one reason only but she was going to hold onto that and use it, for this could be her chance to still be Luna.

"I want that DNA test done by the end of the week, the only time you will contact me is for the results and I want proof. Do not bother me until then" He disconnected the call before heading back to his office trying to think of ways to explain this to Elizabeth. How could he tell her Amanda's child might be his?

Sorry it's such a short chapter, hope you enjoy!

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