Important notice.

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Firstly, I would like to start by saying a massive thank you to majority of the readers that have supported this book and my writing. It means a tremendous amount to me, please keep voting and never change, you've all been very sweet!

Secondly, I would also like to address the nasty, distasteful comments I have received on this book. Now, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, BUT being nice doesn't cost a thing, if it's not what you like, that's okay, if it's against your beliefs and morals, that's okay but what is NOT okay is belittling someone and their work because it doesn't fit your standards. I have not only seen this on my book but many others and it's just horrible.

When we read these comments and see how nasty and immature they are we automatically assume that it's adolescents that are still learning about the world and how to talk to people with respect, if that is the case, you shouldn't be reading this book anyway, it is marked as MATURE and is not for anyone under the age of 18.

Please learn how to put your view across without being rude, mean or nasty. Everyone on Wattpad is here to embrace something they love, if it isn't for you, then just leave the book alone and definitely leave the author alone, also remember a lot of people are starting out on this app and are trying their hardest.

But on a happier note, thank you to everyone who has supported me in this journey, I will be updating book 2 very soon, unfortunately I've had some traumatic, life changing events recently and it has taken me a little while to get back on my feet.

Thank you.

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