Red handed

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TW: Self harm

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TW: Self harm

I start to stir as the loud sound of a bang echos through the room. I'm immediately fully awakened by the sensation of falling for a spilt second before my back lands on a hard surface.

My eyes shoot open as I groan out in pain, completely disoriented and confused as to where I am. I scan my surroundings, eventually realising that I'm back home on the floor of the foyer as my dad looms over me.

He laughs before shaking his head in disbelief, "I knew you had no self respect but seriously Juliet? Fucking some common criminal just to get back at me," He exclaims.

"What?" I say while rubbing my aching head, genuinely not understanding what he's talking about.

"That fucking ex convict that brought you home! I know you're only with him to ruin my reputation," He spits.

I mentally roll my eyes, feeling the anger rising. I want to tell him that he's narcissistic and not everything I do in life is some elaborate scheme to embarrass him. I seem to do that perfectly well without even trying. 

I don't say anything though, instead remaining silent as I pray that'll he just leave me alone.

He starts laughing manically, a crazy look forming across his features. Without uttering another word he bends down and grips the base of my ponytail in his hands, dragging me along the floor.

I start struggling to get out of his grasp but his grip only strengthens as he pulls me towards the kitchen. The door swings open and i'm flung onto the floor, my knees resting on the cold tile.

My dads friends are all scattered around the table, one face down next to a pile of vomit as bottles of absinthe and vodka litter every available surface.

"Well what do we have here?" One of his friends smirks down at me, his words barely even coherent.

"We have a useless slut," My dad snickers, the alcohol wafting off his breath. "Ask her for a fuck David we all know she won't say no," He laughs. 

I try to get off the floor, not being able to handle the burning gazes of all the men staring down at me but my dad stops me, sinking his nails into my skin as he roughly holds me down.

"Marc maybe you should-" One of my dad's friends tries to defend me, a guilty look adorning his face but he's quickly interrupted.

"Aww don't feel bad she loves the attention, don't you sweetheart?" He laughs, grasping my face in one hand and squeezing my cheeks. 

Some of my dad's friends drunkly laugh while the rest look either completely disinterest or empathetic. 

"How about we play a round of blackjack and the next person to win gets a turn with her," He suggests, shoving me to the ground and heading over to the table covered in cards.

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