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My eyes peel open, my body sore as I stretch out my achey legs

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My eyes peel open, my body sore as I stretch out my achey legs. It's takes a moment for last night's events to come back to me, my eyes widening at the fact that me and Carter had sex.

I look over to my side, noticing that Carter's warm body is no longer lying next to me, an empty space remaining. I also notice that I'm not naked anymore, my body drowning in a large shirt and some of Carter's boxers which I don't remember putting on myself.

My stomach rumbles so I swing my legs off the bed, attempting to get up. "Fuck," I wince, closing my eyes when a serge of pain travels through my legs.

"You okay?" A voice rings out, causing me to turn my head in it's direction. Carter stands in the doorway, a loose pair of black joggers hanging off his hips and revealing the band of his Calvins.

"Yeah my legs are just.. stiff," I grit, the feeling of standing on them being painful. He chuckles, looking somewhat proud for doing this to me.

"Does my pain amuse you?"I glare at him, my hand against the wall for support. "No no of course not," He rasps, smirking as he closes the distance between us.

His hands find their way to my waist, pulling me in closer as he leans down to peck my lips. He pulls away, his thumb rubbing my cheek as he grasps my face, "I made you food," He tells me, his gentleness disappearing as he suddenly picks me up.

"Carter!" I screech, gripping onto him for dear life as he carries me bridal style down the hall. He lowers me down on the sofa, chucking my favourite blanket at me before heading towards the kitchen.

He returns moments later with a large plate full of pancakes, waffles and various types of fruit that he's intricately cut into small pieces.

"Wow what did I do to deserve this," I clap my hands together, looking down at the delicious breakfast in front of me.

"You know what you did," He smirks, sitting down next to me and spreading out across the sofa. 

We spend the next hour watching Netflix while I devour the mammoth of a meal he made for me. "Who new you could make such a good breakfast," I groan, patting my now full belly.

"Well it's more like lunch now," He snorts, showing me the time on his phone which reads two pm. 

"It's two already?" I exclaim, my eyes widening in shock. "Why did you let me sleep that long? You know I had stuff to do today," I whine, remembering how I told Jasmine I'd meet her for Starbucks.

"You were tired," He shrugs, returning his attention to the tv. "I should probably text Jas," I decide while trying to get up, remembering how my phone is still on charge in the bedroom.

"Fucking hell," I cry out, my legs immediately cramping the second I stood up. Not even a second later Carter is by my side, his hands around me to stabilise me.

"Sit down," He orders, a worried look adorning his features. He helps me lower myself back onto the sofa, my face stuck in a pained expression.

"Does it hurt that bad?" He asks, looming over me. I nod my head, my legs never having cramped this bad before.

"Wait here," He instructs, kissing my forehead before taking off down the hall. He returns moments later, my phone in one hand and a bottle of lotion in the other.

He sits beside me, gently pulling my legs over his and laying me sideways across the sofa before adjusting a pillow behind my head. 

He hands me my phone before squeezing the lotion onto his hands. My head rests on the pillow, the tension in my body releasing as his rough hands massage my thighs.

His hands travel around my inner thigh, sending a tingling feeling through me. "Feel better?" He asks, looking over at me for affirmation. "Hm," I hum, enjoying the feeling of him rubbing my body more than I'd like to admit.

The sound of my phone repetitively going off disturbs my relaxed state, causing me to pick it up. "Shit I should probably go," I groan, looking down at all the upset messages from Jas.

"No you need to rest," He orders sternly, plucking the phone out of my hand. "Carter," I exclaim, trying to get it back from him.

He types speedily for a few seconds before returning it to my lap. I look down at it and roll my eyes at the blunt message he left simply reading, 'Don't want to see you today.' 

"She's going to think I'm annoyed at her," I scoff, typing like ten messages to tell her that I'm not.

He ignores me, his hand still resting on my thigh as he flicks through the tv channels. "Wait go back," I instruct loudly, spotting a familiar sight.

He goes back a channel, landing on a visual of the courtroom with my dad in it. "Turn it up please," I ask anxiously, wanting to know what's happening.

The shot changes to a reporter standing outside the courthouse, talking into the microphone. 

"In just mere moments the jury will decide if movie star and comedian Marco Kingston will be charged with the assault of former employee Loraine Windsor," He recites, the shot then switching back to the courtroom where my dad sits smugly in his chair.

"Already?" Carter says in surprise, shocked that this is all happening so quickly. My breathing picks up as I pull my achey body upwards, sitting perched on the edge of the sofa as I anxiously bite my nails.

It feels as if all the air has been sucked out of the room as we both sit tensely in the suffocating fog of anticipation that surrounds us. Carter rubs my back gently as I stare at the screen, my heart pounding in my chest as the judge comes into view.

"The jury has come to the decision that Marco Kingston is.." He trails off, almost as if he's trying to add some dramatic effect for the audience at home like this is just some tv show.

"Not guilty."

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