- Chapter Two: Jasper? Did he see this? -

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- Payton's Pov -

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- Payton's Pov -

I watch in shock as the blonde vampire that is Caius grabs Isabella by the throat and lifts her up in the air, but Edward manages to remove the child off her lap in time. Caius started threatening Isabella, but i couldn't really hear him that well because it sounded like i was underwater. That is odd because with my vampire hearing, i should be able to hear him very well, yet i know it's because of what has just been said to me. No matter who badly i wanted to move, i just couldn't make myself move an inch. I just find myself staring at my mate, soul father, and soul grandfather in absolute shock. I've gone from having an adoptive family that couldn't give two shits about to to hopefully having a family that cares. When I do get my body to move, i am moving backwards until my back hits the wall, and then i slide down the wall still in shock, and that seems to get everyone's attention. All their heads snap to my direct that alone makes me nervous because would my soul family still love me when i tell them my secrets?.

Suddenly, i see Aro kneel in front of me, and that makes me gasp in shock because a king should never kneel for anyone, especially me. I shook my head only for him to look at me confused, and i wanted to yell at him to never kneel for me again, but i couldn't get my voice to work. I feel someone take my hand in theirs, and if i was human, my breathing would be so heavy right now. One thing about me is that i hate physical contact, and the only people i feel comfortable touching to me are Alice and Jasper. I hope Jasper or Alice tells the person who is holding my hand that i hate being touched before i lash out. I close my eyes thinking about my two special people who are very special to me, which thankfully only Jasper and Alice about since they helped me through that time in my human life.

"Oh my." I hear Aro say, making my eyes snap open

"Master Aro, let go of her. She hates physical contact with people she doesn't know." Jasper said, sounding worried

"Caius kill Isabella and Edward this second." Aro said, looking at me with an unknown emotion in his eyes

"Aro, may we know the reasoning for this. There has been no law broken here." Carlisle said, looking confused

"Oh, Carlisle, a law has been broken. You see before, dear Payton was turned Isabella and Edward did something to poor Payton. Renesmee isn't the first child connected to this coven, thanks to Edward Cullen." Aro said, making me gasp, and Edward glared at me

"What do you mean?" Rosalie asked, shocked while Jasper and Alice sat either side of me

"I never intended to learn this personal information while trying to tend to my granddaughter, but i'm glad i did. It turns out young Edward here convinced Isabella to let him get a male vampire to force themselves on young Payton, resulting in Payton becoming pregnant. If it wasn't for Alice and Jasper who helped her along the way, our Payton would have perished along with her children. Only for that redheaded vampire to turn Payton for revenge a few weeks after Jasper and Alice worked so hard to keep her human." Aro said, making me shake thinking of my babies

"YOU DID WHAT!!" Rosalie yelled as Emmett held her against his chest

"THEY DID WHAT TO MY DAUGHTER!!" Caius roared in anger

"Kill them. They planned and let the most unspeakable thing happen to my mate." Marcus said in a deadly tone

In seconds, Caius is ripping them both apart and throws them piece by piece outside where he goes to burn then to ash. None of the Cullen's even looked sad about losing two of their coven members infact they are just looking at me.

"Alice? Jasper? Where are the children?" Esme asked rather to nicely

"They can't be safe all alone." Rosalie said way to worried for my liking

"No! No, leave my babies alone! You're not taking my babies they are mine!" I snarled, standing up

"All you need to know is PAYTON'S babies are perfectly safe, and you will never get to see them because we will not break the trust and bond we have with payton. Who said they are alone because we sure as hell didn't." Jasper said coldly as Alice cups my face, making me look at her

"Payton, they are safe. No one but us know where they are, and no one is going to take them." She said softly

"Aro, I will not let you give them another chance. They will come with us to volterra where they will face trail for all the crimes they have committed as a coven. This ends now." Marcus said, still speaking in a deadly tone

"Marvellous idea, Marcus. Carlisle, you and your coven are to join us back to volterra. I will not tolerate any ifs or buts about it since i have let your coven get away with far too much." Aro said, sounding stern

"Jane and Alec are awaiting our orders." Caius said, walking back into the living room

"Aro. Edward and Isabella have paid for their crimes for breaking the laws. Is it absolutely necessary for us to stand trial? Can't you let bygones be bygones?" Carlisle asked why to calmly like he is expecting to be let off the hook

"No, I can not let bygones be bygones, Carlisle. You have had to many chances, and that ends now." Aro said, glaring at Carlisle

"Jasper? Did he see this?." I asked Jasper, talking about Peter, who literally knows everything

"He warned us secrets would come out, but he didn't tell us what. He also said that he and the others would join us soon, then we expect." He said, trying to stay calm



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