- Chapter Six: NO MY BABIES! -

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Payton's Pov

I sit on the couch watching Flora and Fiona playing with their animals that i five hours ago brought alive. I haven't seen Peter, Aro, Caius, or my mate since they left the kitchen, and i'm starting to worry. I won't let my worry show because i don't want my girls to pick up on that worry, which will no doubt make them worry. Having my girls with me twenty-four seven is a blessing but also a nightmare because i have to control my emotions and actions. I can be the mother i want to be for my girls, but i can't be the protective mother in front of my girls because i do not want to scare them.

Yes, i keep repeating myself, but what mother doesn't? Mothers constantly have the same thoughts running through their head. To make it worse for me, i have to deal with the thoughts of HIM possibly finding out about Flora and Fiona. I have done everything in my power to keep them hidden from him so he couldn't hurt them or use them to hurt me. No one but Alice, Jasper, Peter, and Charlotte understands the pain i have gone through to bring Flora and Fiona into the world in secret. I understand not many people would have done it in secret, but i did it with one emotion running through my veins, and that emotion was fear of my girls being taken.

Being a survivor of sexual assault isn't easy by any means. I constantly have to battle my mind every day, knowing he is still out there somewhere. Every time i blink, i see his face, and every time i breathe, i can feel his breath on my neck. I can still feel his touch burning trails on my skin, his eyes burn in my head, making or hard for me to forget. When i'm alone, i can hear his voice taunting me in the worst ways possible, and it sends shivers down my spin. I have lost count of how many times I have gone into the shower to rid the feeling of his touch and washed my skin so many times that i have cracked my skin.

Fiona and Flora are the only ones who can make me something other than disgust, used, broken, violated, useless, and most of all, ashamed. They might have been created from my rape but they are no means to blame for what he did to me. They need to be protected, loved, happy, healthy, and most of all, they need to have a full life. There is only one person to blame for that night, and when he is found, i will show him myself that he did not break me. I'm stronger than ever, even if my mind doesn't agree with me and i will show him just how strong i am because i will not let him walk this earth after what he has done to me.

"MOMMY!" Fiona yells, snapping me out of my thoughts, and i see her and Flora standing in front of me

"Yes, sweetheart?" I asked softly, looking at her

"Uncle Pete is back." Flora said, pointing at the door where i see Peter standing

"Are you okay, Mommy? You looked lost," Fiona asked, tilting her head

"I'm okay, princess. It's nothing you should worry your pretty little head about." I said, moving my hand to caress her cheek

"Fi, Flo. Charlotte is baking cookies in the kitchen, and she wants to know if her little helpers want to help." Peter asked, walking towards us

"Yes, pwease uncle Pete!" They both squeal, making me laugh

"Then come with me, my little monsters. I will take you to your aunt Charlotte." Aro said, standing in the doorway, opening his arms

"I love you, Mommy! See you later!" They both yell as they run and jump into Aro's arms

"They will be safe, my dear. I will keep them company." Aro said softly, then walked away, holding my girls securely on his hips.

"What's going on, Peter? I know that was your plan to make sure Flora and Fiona weren't in the room or in listening distance." I said as i brought my feet up onto the couch and hugged my knees to my chest

"We found something interesting as i pointed out all the locations he was last seen, and it's something none of us expected, darlin. He has been under our nose this entire time, and we were too dumb to realise where he would choose to hide. It makes perfect sense now that i think about it, but given where we are at this given, the second isn't the best place to be, but we have a plan set in motion." He said, looking at me worriedly

"Peter, i love you as a brother, and we have had many ups and downs together as family. Yet I still have no idea what you are saying right now. You have confused me beyond belief, and my brain isn't exactly functioning right now. What do you being here isn't the best place to be and where has he chosen to hide?." I asked, completely confused

"I will tell you as long as you remember Fiona, Flora, and yourself are safe here, and no one will let anything happen to you. Everyone here will lay their immortal life on the line to protect you and the twins." He said, taking my hands into his holding them tightly

"Please tell me already, you're making me worry now, and i already know all that, Peter. If i didn't know all that, i wouldn't let Flora or Fiona be here, and i wouldn't let them have free rain of the castle." I said, feeling myself on the verge of a panic attack

"Just remember you three are safe and that i love all three of you." He said worriedly

"Peter -"

"He's here, darlin. He chose the Volturi coven as his hiding place. He chose the volturi as a safety net." He said, cutting me off

"NO MY BABIES!" I yelled as i jumped off the couch.

"NO MY BABIES!" I yelled as i jumped off the couch

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