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sports day

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sports day

"It is so weird to see that bed empty," Jessie started off saying the next day with all the couples still in bed. 

"I can't believe they've gone," Isa shook her head as she burrowed into Tom's chest.

"You'll see her soon," Tom murmured as he kissed her head. The islanders chatted in bed for a bit longer before breaking up into groups for a morning debrief. 

The girls chatted through both Rosie and Tanya's thoughts on still being in the villa, and how the votes had shocked them. "I understand why me and Casey were in there,"  Rosie shrugged. "Like we had been together for a little over a day."

"I just think I wasn't ready to see Claudia go," Jessie said, Isa nodding her agreement. The conversation then turned to happier topics, talking about Sanam and Kai going exclusive the night before.

"At least there were some happy moments from last night," Isa hugged the other girl as they all got up to head to the dressing room to get ready. 

Everyone seemed to have a chill morning, and Isa found herself sitting with Shaq and Ron on the daybeds. The boy definitely seemed heavy with the results of the night before, but Isa could support his positive attitude with the outcome.

Isa had just settled in for a nap when she heard a phone ding. She listened with bated breath as Ron read out the announcement for sports day, letting out a huge groan as the other islanders began to get hype. 

"I am just not a sports gal," Isa said. "Watching yes. I mean são paulo até eu morrer." (idk the sao paolo phrases and shit, pls pretend)

Luckily Tom and Isa ended up on the same team. But the trash talk started early, Ron trying to chirp Isa. But Isa got the last laugh when she got picked before Ron. "Clearly Jessie knows a winner when she sees one," Isa evil eyed Ron as she went to join her team, Ron ending up joining the roster as well.

The day started off with a bouncing ball relay, Isa kicking off the lineup against Casey. The girls were all laughing as they watched the boys on the small balls, but the blue team was ecstatic to take the first round. 

Next was the spoon race, where Ron and Tom were quick to start shouting about rule breaks. Isa kept her focus and somehow didn't drop her egg as she booked it down the pool deck. The red team took that round, with dubious methods apparently.

Nxxt was the water balloon race. "Girls use the girls!" Isa shouted as Tanya started them off. At one point, Isa had both Tom and Kai's face in her tits trying to pick up a balloon while the girl cackled. And the strategy worked as they took that round. 

Next was the floatie race, which Isa felt good about. "I'm a water baby!" Isa yelled as she started paddling hard against Casey, though the Red team took that round. The tie breaker ended up being the tensest round, and unfortunately went to the Red team. 

"See, this is why I don't do sports," Isa whined as the other team went on and on about their win. The group took a quick cool down before running in to get ready for the evening. 

Isa could tell as she met Tom in the bedroom that he was over all the prodding from the boys, and took a moment during Will's toast to rub the boys back to try to keep him calm. "You alright?" she asked as the two of them went over to the daybed. "They been winding you up?"

"Yeah," Tom shook his head. "Like non stop."

"Really?" Isa asked, looking toward the other boys. 

"Yeah like in the bedroom it kept going and going," he sighed. "I told em to stop it but I know they won't."

"Well, try to keep it together," Isa rubbed his thigh. "I know it's annoying, but it is just a game. They shouldn't be pricks but they just want to get a rise out of you."

"Yeah I know," he took a sip of his drink. "I love em to bits but they just don't know when to stop."

"Ok, well let's not chat about it anymore, there's no reason," Isa tried to redirect but then Jessie walked over with Casey and Will, with the blonde trying to 'catch' Isa. "Will babes, not much you've got that is going to reel me in from this one."

Jessie cackled as Will raised his brows. The three of them quickly walking away to join other groups. 

"That may have been a bit mean," Isa grimaced, but Tom shook his head. "Oh well, we'll see what he comes up with next."

The couple got a few minutes of peace, joined by Jessie, Shaq, and Tanya before Will came over with the trophy. "Oh here we go," Isa called out as he walked their way with the trophy over his head. "Got another speech for us? Go on."

"I actually do Isa, thank you," he nodded. "Thank you all for participating today. Without losers, there can't be winners, so thank you." As Will kept going, more of the group wandered over. 

"Oh for fucks sake," Isa rolled her eyes. "Why are we pow wowing like this, honestly."

"Tom can't touch this," Shaq said with a laugh and Isa could feel Tom getting more tense. "It's ok, there will be a next time."

"Shaq that's enough now," Tom said lowly. "Relax bro." 

Isa sighed as the other boy kept going. "Shaq, let's let it go yeah? Go take your trophy and make out with it or something," the girl said. Tanya tried to help diffuse the situation, but it was clear Shaq wasn't getting any message. 

"Let's all walk away so Isabella can give Tom a hug to calm down," Shaq laughed. 

"Shaq I am telling you now," Isa sat up. "You're being a little shit. You look like a child, walk away or shut the fuck up."

"Ouch," Shaq said as Will and Casey began to notice the tenseness. "It's a joke man. You lost a sports day."

"Shaq, he's asked you calmly to stop winding him up about it. Be a fucking adult, and just take the hintI" Isa tried again. 

"It's a game bro," Shaq laughed. "It's a joke, you lost at sports day."

"And you won at a child's sports day, does that make you feel big?" Isa said sarcastically as Tanya finally stood and began to lead Shaq away. "Like grow up."

"Honestly, I don't care what the situation was about," Isa said. "But if you're joking with someone, and they ask you to stop, point blank you should stop. If you don't you're a dick, and that's how Shaq was acting."

It didn't take Shaq long to come over and apologize to Tom, leaning over to give Isa a hug too. "Sorry to be a dick," he said to the couple. 

"Sorry to call you childish," Isa shrugged laughing up at the other boy. "We all have our moments."

Shaq went back over to join Tanya, and it wasn't long before another phone rang, announcing an open hideaway for the night. The group easily chose to send in Kai and Sanam, the girls running inside to get her ready. The group of islanders didn't last much longer in the garden before heading inside for bed.

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