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talent show

In the morning, Isa headed to the terrace with Lana and Rosie for a debrief. "Yeah yesterday was a bit of a cluster wasn't it," Isa said. "Especially for you and Ron, Lan."

The blonde took a deep breath and rubbed her eyes, and Isa frowned as she moved over to pull the girl into a hug. "What is it you're upset about?" Rosie asked the girl.

"Things just don't feel the same in here," Lana said thickly. "And yesterday, I feel like with the whole thing, it didn't feel like anyone was with me or had my back."

"You know I'd fight a brick wall for you Lana Banana," Isa said sadly. "And I know it can't have been easy to feel that way. And some of the other girls do, but they just may be expressing it in a different way."

Lana took a deep breath and nodded, letting Isa continue to give her a cuddle.

Lana sat with Ron for a minute as Rosie and Isa headed to the dressing room. Tanya was doing her hair when she spoke up. "So girls, Rosie told me Lana is feeling a bit down. And I think we should do like a girls breakfast this morning to cheer her up."

The other girls all chimed in with their agreement, and Isa met Sanam's eyes, rolling hers a bit. The two headed into the kitchen for their water together. "Honestly, it's just funny that Tanya started this all, and now all of a sudden she really cares about making sure Lana feels supported. It just feels fake to me."

"It's just odd," Sanam agreed. "But if this makes Lana feel better-"

"We'll sit through it," the two girls nodded in solidarity before grabbing things out of the cupboard. The other girls came out, while Jessie was on operation distract Lana. The girls all sat in a circle and waited for the Aussie to lead Lana out, the girls calling out for her as she came into the garden. 

It clearly made Lana happy as she sat down and began to snack. They then went around and said sweet things to the blonde. "Lana, you are the most loving person. And you have been there for I think everyone in here. And we're all sorry that it came across like no one had your back yesterday, because that's not true. We're all so lucky to be your friend!"

The girls chatted for a bit while nibbling on their little breakfast, trying to keep topics light. After the girls had their chats and ate their food, they all dispersed into couples and smaller groups, and of course Isa ended up cuddling with Tom on the couch. 

"I feel bad for Lana in all this, because she's never stepped a foot out of line," Tom shook his head. 

"Me too, but honestly, I'm not sure Ron has here either. I think people are just piping in their own opinions when they don't need to, and very few of them will say it to the people's face," Isa shrugged. "And if you can't do that, keep your nose out of it and focus on your own relationship."

"I agree, I think at this point it's just stirring the pot," Tom said. "Like I think everyone needs to focus on themselves."

"I do think there is this sort of divide though, and I think it does stem from the boys," Isa revealed her thoughts. 

"I think like, Ron and Lana sometimes just sit over on their own," Tom said. "And now you've said that, I'm like is that on us?"

"I don't think it's on you persay," Isa rubbed his shoulder. "But I do think you, Will and Casey being so close, and as much as he denies it, Shaq has an issue with Ron. So why is Ron going to either try to be the odd man out, or sit with Shaq when he doesn't feel good vibes, when he can just be with Lana," the girl shrugged. 

"I think you and I spend a lot of time on our own, but you have Casey and Will. Ron has pretty much Lana, and Kai and Sanam. And me, which I hope he knows. But it definitely can't feel nice, especially after yesterday when I'm sure he knows people are chatting shit."

The two were soon joined by Jessie and Will, and Isa decided to take her own advice with Jessie as she had with Will. "Hey Jess, I just wanted to say this to you, because I said it to Will and we preach being open about our thoughts. But as your friend, and after the whole Liv situation, I wanted to say I was a bit disappointed in how you handled the whole Ron gossip. Because when that was you, Claudia and I had your back and we all said how important it was to air out your issues and not just chat with the rest of the group about them, and I felt like we had done a bit of back tracking with yesterdays situation and it made me a bit sad."

"I hear you," Jessie nodded. "And thank you for bringing it up to me. You are right, I think I was just listening to other people chat and piping in, but I know how it feels so it definitely wasn't fair. Honestly, I don't think I need to chat with Ron about it, but I think you're right that I should just keep it to myself."

"I still love you," Isa leaned over and hugged the other girl. "I just wanted to be open, especially since I had said it to Will as well."

"No of course babe-" Jessie's sentence was cut off by Tom's phone dinging.

"Islanders, it's your moment to shine and revel in the limelight as you prepare to perform in the love island talent show," Isa groaned as the other islanders chanted. 

"I have no talent," Isa shook her head.

That evening started off with Shaq doing a sexy dance, followed by Lana doing a magic card trick. Tom and Isa were gobsmacked when Lana guessed their cards right, followed by getting 4 out of the 5 couples card sets correct. Tanya did a sexy dance session as well, before Kai came on to do a live drawing with the assistance of Will as his model. Isa was practically tearing up at the blonde boy.

Jessie and Rosie did a duet and killed it, before it was Isa's turn. "Ok we all know I have zero talent other than napping," Isa said with a laugh. "But today, I've decided to use some of my work skills, and I am going to take one of the public worst dressed islanders, and design them an outfit to get them to best dressed. So Shaq come here."

The boy shook his head as he came to stand by Isa's side as the girl pulled out her pad and pencil, and got to sketching. The girl had never been as strong in men's fashion as she was in women's but when she turned the pad around, everyone cheered. The figure of Shaq had on some normal fit trousers, with a button up that Isa had done a quick pattern on, as well as sketching out a pair of shoes, earrings, and a chain with Tanya's name on it. 

"You all can call me after the villa, I'll help you out," she winked as the group clapped and she took her seat. Next up was Ron and his rubix cube in under 90 seconds, which was amazing. Casey led them in a wonderful trumpet rendition of hot cross buns, which had the group in stitches. Then was Sanam, performing Love Island The Story, with some on demand tears, or the rain.

Will went on to do an absolutely hilarious rap that had Isa cackling the whole time. Tom then closed them out, taking a moment to dedicate his performance to Isa before breaking out into song. Isa was laughing as she clapped along, the rain falling over all of them as they joined him in singing the chorus. 

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