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You and Naruto started hanging out at his place most days.
His mom was very welcoming , though she was very surprised to see at first the Naruto brought a girl over.

It had been a month now since you ended up in this place and its fair to say that it had started to feel not like a dream anymore.

As silly as that sounds you didn't mind it , cause the more you thought about it the more you realized that your liked you this life better than your previous one.

Why? Well for starters your dad was abusive and your mom dead.
He and his girlfriend made you quit your studies and you had to work odd jobs while they took all your money.

You had no friends,  no family.

Here you had Naruto and a house of your own.
Turns out your parents here are also goners and you're an only daughter and they were super rich.

So now you're like... rich.
You do have a cousin brother who's incharge of the family business for the time being , until you graduate.

It were times like this when it felt real and moreover too good to be true when  you were in situations like these when you were in Naruto's room playing video games with him and you'd tease him for losing.

He'd tickle fight you in annoyance and you'd find yourself straddled under him.

You'd register how hot he actually is when his biceps are right in your face in his sleevless tank top and his musky scent penetrated your senses completely

You both turn blushing messes and he'd take his sweet time getting off of you and run to the bathroom.

As you lay there feeling your heart beating out of your chest.

And situations like this have been happening quite a lot

You didn't know what to feel.
Do you like him?

Moreover does he like you Omg?

He'd always been obsessed with Sakura so you reckoned the former could be true.

You dropped the thought completely and decided it would be better for the both of you to avoid such situations.
Which would be hard given that Naruto is very clingy and physical these days with you.

You brushed it off thinking it's just friends stuff.


The next day you were rummaging through your locker trying to find your textbook when you felt a familiar feeling of Two strong muscly arm snaked around your waist and a chin rested on your shoulder.

He sighed as he relaxed into you.

You were not sure if you should tell him to stop.
Would it ruin your friendship ?
Moreover did you want him to stop ?
And what happens when Sakura comes?

"I'll defeat you tonight for sure , y/n" Naruto declared as he subtly breathed In your scent.

It had been a month and it was clear as the day that Naruto was obsessed with you. He was so deep in love that he knew there's no going back.
He had given in completely trying to even stop himself which is the reason why he was so touchy and clingy lately.

He couldn't figure out the courage to confess so he hoped you'd get it In his actions

You squirmed out of his grasp slowly and faced him.
He looked like a kid who had his lollipop taken from him.

"We'll see sunshine" you said as you poked his nose and giggled as you walked away and a Naruto followed after like a puppy as he admired your laugh and checked out your rear.

Sasuke watched from a distance as his grip on his locker handle tightened almost bending it. His gaze held poison.
He had distanced himself from both of you , though avoiding Naruto was impossible.

He observed you everyday , talking to him , him touching you and you laughing with him

He was not afraid to accept it anymore
He was jealous
Very jealous

He spent multiple nights staying up observing you sleep through your window through the camera he had installed on the tree near your window.

He watched you almost every night lately coming home late from Naruto's place , slipping into your sexy oversized t shirts.

He didn't know what to make of how he felt , he'd never wanted to hold someone,  kiss someone,  and watch someone just exist like he does with you.
And he doesn't even know how to win you over given he's so introvert and cold.

He also didn't wanna be jealous of Naruto , Naruto is his best friend.

There was too much that could go wrong with liking you.
But damn did he like you
The way your locks waved around your face and shoulders.
The way you made friends so easily.
The way you could put him in his place and tell him straight that he's an asshole , which he doesn't deny he isn't.
You oozed of confidence and grace
Yet you were the goofiest person around.

You were a gorgeous goddess.
Both Naruto and Sasuke saw it.

And a certain pink haired girl has been noticing them noticing this too.

And she was not happy about it to say the least.

The guy who always roamed around her like a dog was now around you. She thought him to be pathetic but she loved the attention anyway.

And the guy she loved was always seen longingly staring at you.

She was furious , she'd had enough.

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