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Naruto walked back home that evening with a certain heavy feeling surrounding him.

Everything was falling apart around him , he thought , the girl he loves will probably end up hating him , and she will choose his hot best friend over him if she doesn't leave him for his sins , that is.

He felt depressed and didn't wanna put on the mask of happiness on himself.

His pace was slow and his head was staring up above at the sky as if praying without praying to somehow make him lucky just this once.

Would it be selfish to ask for his own happiness in a prayer ?
But would asking for y/n's happiness unite him with her ?
Or with Sasuke?

He sighed as he realized it's too hard to imagine the reality or the would be's.

Suddenly someone took a hold of his shoulders from behind turning him around to face the fruit of all his prayers.

You looked up at him with a perked nose and knitted eyebrows.

You looked mad yet concerned but Naruto was too happy to take notice of that.

Was his prayers being answered?

He wanted to snatch y/n up and hide her from anyone who could take her away from  him.


Sasuke... but Sasuke is his best friend he felt guilty trying to keep her away from him.

Y/n violently shook Naruto and lightly slapped his cheek.

"Wake up!!!, where the hell were you? I was so worried Naruto ?" You shook him more as his eyes widened as you didn't refer to him as 'sunshine' , he realized he had forgotten the way his name sounded in your sweet voice and yet he was concerned as you were clearly mad at him.

You were now punching his chest lightly as the corners of your eyes held tears.

His heart dropped yet he felt optimistic.

"You didn't even pick my calls and when I went to your house ...  you weren't there ... I understand that you have other people.." you sniffled now

"But don't avoid me like this..." you said as you felt frustrated and anxious.

Naruto grabbed your wrists and stopped you from punching him.
He knew what you meant , he knew how you must have felt being alone , he felt it too.

He quickly pulled you to his chest and started rubbing your scalp to calm you down.

He felt you trembling.

You missed him this much ?
Just as much as he did ?

He couldn't contain his happiness yet he felt bad for making you feel as such.

"Shh shh, I won't leave , I'm so sorry , I'm so sorry Y/n"
He tried to comfort you.

He took you back to your house and he laid with you on your bed as you both caught up to what was happening in your lives recently.

You were now back to normal though you missed no chance to taunt him about abandoning you.
Which you did just as a joke and he knew it too as you both would laugh after.

You didn't know how time passed as you kept talking to each other.
You told him all about your project with Sasuke to which Naruto only kept listening quietly.

You thought it was strange since Naruto was never quiet when it comes to Sasuke. He'd always have something to say.
Yet this time he didn't.

You brushed it off after pondering a bit.

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