12 | Jealous

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"You can't even look me dead in the eyes. Her love is strong, she got you hypnotized."

~ YEBBA, My Mind

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"Two things we need to focus on today."

Amused, Cillian watched Sophie from where he was sitting on the couch. She slowly marched around the living room, hands behind her back, as if she were giving him important instructions before a dangerous mission.

"One, getting a Christmas tree. Two, we need rings." She listed off. She stopped in her tracks and faced him. "These are two simple things, but I think it will be important for us to practice certain things while we're out, like hand holding, being closer to strangers, how to act around strangers, and things like that."

He seemed hesitant, but ready. He hadn't been out in public since he was a child. He really knew nothing about what it meant to be a part of society. With the walks they went on, no one came close to them.

"Your claws... can you retract those or-" she couldn't even finish her sentence before his claws disappeared into his skin. "Okay, and what about your fangs?"

He shook his head.

"Mm..." she thought. "Well, we'll just say it's some weird genetic thing that's been passed down in your family."

She grabbed a rather big coat she bought him online the other day and handed it to him, as well as a pair of gloves. He already had a pair of boots. He shrugged everything on, sort of looking like a giant black marshmallow from the puffiness of his coat.

"Are you ready? We don't have to do this today if you're not."

"I'm ready." He mumbled in reply.

She went to open the door, but he beat her to it. It was one of the few things he remembered from his childhood. His dad told him to never let a lady even touch a door handle, especially if it's your mate.

Judging by Sophie's reaction, she was not used to this, but seemed rather pleased by it. "Oh, thank you." She chuckled and walked out the door.

Even when she was about to open her little red truck's door, he beat her to it again. This time with flushed cheeks, she mumbled a cute and quiet, "thank you," and hopped in.

He made his way around the little truck and got in on the passenger's side. The top of his head was just shy of hitting the ceiling, making her laugh. "Don't forget your seatbelt."

She turned on the engine, the radio turning on with it. Jingle Bell Rock came on, a song he hadn't heard since he was a kid. She noticed his eyes flash at the recognition and asked, "you like this song?"

He nodded.

"Me too." She chirped and turned it up. She hummed the whole way to the Christmas tree farm, which was only a few minutes away.

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