15 | Baby Fever

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"I don't know what Christmas is, but Christmastime is here."

~ Old 97's, I Don't Know What Christmas Is
(But Christmastime is Here)

~ Old 97's, I Don't Know What Christmas Is(But Christmastime is Here)

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Cillian decided he liked when Sophie slept. She looked very peaceful, and also happened to be draped on top of him.

He couldn't help but grin as he felt her small hand move subconsciously around his middle, warm and soft. Her head found the crook of his neck and her legs intertwined with his. In seconds her body was molded to his own, making him stare down lovingly at her. When her arms wrapped right around him, it brought a peace that he's never known before. He could never let another person so close to him like this, but she's so different. There's a purity to her, a brightness in her spirit. She's the only flower in the meadow for his eyes.

He almost felt bad for enjoying this moment. Almost. He knew she'd wake up horrified by her subconscious actions. Whether she was a natural cuddler, or if this was the mate pull, he didn't know, but he definitely wasn't complaining.

Her eyes fluttered and her chest drew up with a sigh. She wasn't sure if it was being back in her childhood bedroom that made her sleep so well or- oh my gosh.

She practically threw herself backwards, nearly falling off the bed if Cillian hadn't reached out and saved her just in the knick of time. She sat back by her pillows, slightly disoriented, her hair all over the place. "I'm so sorry!" She gasped, a hand over her chest. "I didn't- I don't normally- I'm so sorry for invading your personal space, I-"

"It's fine, Sophie." He chuckled. Yes, chuckled.

His low morning voice along with hearing his deep quiet laugh for the first time had butterflies dancing in her stomach and heat rising to her cheeks.

Her sputtering ceased and she hid her face in her hands. "I swear I didn't mean to do that." Her voice came out muffled.

He heard her heart was going a million miles an hour at the moment and he felt bad for her. Gently, he reached out and carefully tugged her hands away from her face. "I know. It's okay."

She stared at him a moment, processing, before her eyes narrowed. "Yeah, you probably liked it, perv." She laughed as his jaw went slack. "I'm kidding, I don't think you're a perv."

Their teasing was cut off by screaming from downstairs.

"Mary Anne, you absolute walnut!"

"I fixed it! I made it look better than you did!"


"Puh-lease, I could eat all these ingredients and crap out a better pie than whatever you just baked!"

A baby started screaming in the distance.

Amused, Sophie shook her head. "My mom and aunt fight like they're still teenagers. And from the sounds of it, they're babysitting my brother's baby. I should probably get dressed and prevent them from strangling each other."

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