Chapter 2 (I have a dad?And 6 brothers??)

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Luciano's POV

Wow that was one heck of a day. I can't believe that my mom is dead but I am kinda relieved that she is cause she used to beat me if I didn't do anything she said. I still feel a little guilt though because she still was my mother and she gave birth to me. I couldn't give a fuck about my stepfather Walt. He almost killed me and he's in prison.

Anyways back onto today. I'm in Mrs. Kramer's backseat of her car eating chicken nuggets from Mcdonalds. She said that she'll be taking me back to the DCFS center because they found some relatives and they were already at the center.

I sighed. "You know Mrs. Kramer. They probably won't let me live with them since i'm trans. My own mother kicked me out of the house 2 times before begging me to come back."

Mrs. Kramer quickly looked at me. "I'm so sorry you had to go through that. But I think this family you'll like." She took a right turn and we were at the center. We went into this meeting room where there were 2 buff men in suits sitting across from us. To be honest it was really uncomfortable and awkward for me

"Hello gentlemen. I am Mrs. Kramer, your child's social wor-" I cut her off. "Wait what? What do you mean your child? My dad disappeared when I was 2." Mrs Kramer then said with a more stern voice. "This is your father Alessandro Marchetti and your brother Marcello. Maybe if you would let me finish I could explain the full situation. So apparently your mother kidnapped you when you were 2."

That was then I stopped paying attention and she talked to my father who I assumed was the one with the tiny gray hairs poking out. My face paled and I ran out the room to find a bathroom. I found one and locked the door so that I could vomit. I didn't feel like going back outside and facing them. It felt like my whole life had been a lie.

Soon enough I went back to the meeting room. The two men stared at me the entire time. When Mrs.Kramer was done I got my stuff out of her trunk and put it in theirs.

Alessandro told me to get in the car. The other man in the suit also went in the car with me. He tried to make a conversation with me but I shrugged it off.

"So at home your other brothers will definitely want to meet you." Alessandro said as he was getting into the car. "Wait what do you mean other brothers?" He looked at me like I was stupid. "You have 6 brothers. 7 boys in the family." I sighed and shook my head. I mumbled out. "How does that crazy lady have the pussy to make 7 children."

Turns out that was something I shouldn't have said because Marcello heard me and said, "Excuse you? Say that a little bit louder I didn't quite hear that." I shook my head, 'Nothing you need to know. Don't worry."

Marcello rolled his eyes and took my phone away from my hands. "I'll give you your phone back in 3 days." I gasped. "No way! Bitch I just met you. You can't take my phone away." He shrugged. "That's what you get for swearing."

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