13 (running away)

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Luciano POV
I need to get out of here. No one likes me so what's the point of staying here. It's been a day since me and dad had the argument. Damon slept in my room and we didn't talk the whole night. In fact I pulled an all nighter because I was very scared of getting beat up. By my own dad.

 I mean my mom has done it before so I didn't want to take any chances. I was texting Lisa about the situation and she was clearly worried about me. 

(Luciano is bold while Lisa's isn't)

L: baby don't be worried, Ryan is gonna pick me up he's gonna be here in a couple of hours
L: omg but like in the mean time will you be ok?
L: Yes I will baby don't worry
L: What if Ryan get's caught driving how will you get back to Chicago?
L: I'll probably take a train and then hitch a ride or walk as far as I can.

Before I could see Lisa's new text, there was a knock on the door. It was Aunt Maria, "Guys you need to wake up. Breakfast is ready." I hummed and didn't get up, I stayed in bed while Damon got up and went downstairs.

I looked at Lisa's new text and she said good luck. 15 minutes later there was another knock on the door and Dante opened it. "Get up loser, breakfast is ready." I groaned and told him, "Tell them I'll eat more lunch and I'm tired."

"Ok." And he went downstairs. This time someone banged on my door. "LUCIANO MARCHETTI COME DOWN FOR BREAKFAST RIGHT NOW!"

I could tell it was Marco. I rolled my eyes and got my lazy skinny ass up. "Ok Ok! I'll come give me five minutes!" I put on a jacket hoodie thingy and headed downstairs. 

I saw a whole lot of options on the table, such as pancakes, waffles, omelettes, boiled eggs, and fruit. 

"Thats a hell lot of food." I said as I got a plate from the plate drawer. I put 1 boiled egg and a pancake on my plate. Dad commented, "That's too less." I rolled my eyes, "Well what are you going to do about it?" He stayed quiet. "That's what I thought." 

We all ate, the 3 m's and Stefano were talking to each other and the twins plus Elio were talking to Ricky. Me and Damon ate in silence. 

When breakfast was done me and Damon went to my room and chilled for 2 hours. Then I felt my phone vibrate. Ryan texted me.

R: I'm outside of Ruth's Motel I'll pick you up there. Be here in 30 minutes otherwise I'm gonna get food at Wingstop
L: Ok thanks again I love you man
R: No problem love you too.

We always texted I love you because we're like brother plus we practically been best friends for such a long time.

I picked up my backpack and Damon raised his eyebrow. He asked, "Where are you going?" I sighed. "I forgot to do this project with my friend and I have to go to his house." He nodded.

I quietly ran down the stairs and was about to leave the house before Marcello stopped me.

"Where are you going?" He asked. My anxiety went through the roof when he said that but I stayed cool. "I'm going to my friend's house to do a school project because we forgot to finish it at school and since it's due tomorrow, today is the only day we can do it." 

Marcello nodded. "Ok go on then." I speed walked out of the house and googled where Ruth's Motel is. It was about 15 minutes away.

15 minutes later

I see Ryan's brother's car in the parking lot. I ran up to the car and he was sleeping. I banged on the window to scare him.

He screamed, "AH WHAT THE FUCK LUCI!" He got out of the car and hugged me. "Let's go now before they think I'm coming back."

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