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May 11th. It was my birthday. I was turning eighteen, a special point in my life. It was our college day too. Somehow, it added colours to my happiness. I was very excited to see Ashna, Reyansh, Azhar and the music club going viral. She was very happy to perform on the stage, in front of a big crowd. I was always present there, in their practice sessions.

They were going through one final round of practice. I took some random pictures of them, so that I'd have something to share in my story. And I thought of scrolling through my instagram notifications then. I realised that his request was still there. I actually forgot about it. Otherwise I'd have accepted it a long time ago. I clicked on the accept button. His following turned 1. I kept on looking at that. With lakhs of followers and one following, and that one following being me, I felt some kind of importance. I grinned, rethinking my importance in his life. But the fact that he did not wish me a happy birthday was disappointing, when every other important person did it during mid-night itself.

He came over and sat near me. I thought he'd wish me. 'What am I seeing? Is this for real?' he asked. 'What?' I asked on hearing that. 'Did you just accept my request?' he asked. 'Yes. I did. Why are you so happy? I did not even follow you back,' I said. 'There are many people following me. But I want to follow you only,' he said. 'Geez, cheeky,' I said. 'Why did you suddenly think of accepting it?' he asked. 'Gosh, this is just a follow request. Why are you so thrilled?' I asked. 'I feel so happy. Sometimes some little things make you so happy and excited,' he said. 'Why?' I asked. 'Because a four letter word is involved,' he said. 'What?' I asked, with a laugh. 'Don't pretend to be innocent. I know you well,' he replied. I was lost in thoughts for a second and he grabbed my phone. He followed him from my account. 'Aren't you ashamed?' I asked. 'Or is this how you got so many girl fans?' I continued. 'Don't talk about the things you don't know. This is the first time. You have got more of my privileges,' he said. Though I knew that he was clearly flirting with me, I played along as it was quite fun.

They sang a mash up of several hit songs. Reyansh asked me to go live on his instagram account, and I could see fans throwing excited emojis and messages. Many people joined the live concert and everyone seemed to enjoy the performance. Ashna rocked the stage too. She gave us an out of the world performance. It was a one woman show, along with many guys. It was indeed a hit.

We had a song dedication session at the end of the event. Random people dedicating to their teachers, friends or crushes...it was an interesting session. 'Hello,' we heard from there. 'Reyansh?' people started discussing. 'I hope nobody will come to this premise in the name of dedication for at least five minutes,' everyone laughed on hearing that. 'Let me tell you a story. I had a secret crush on someone. It is no longer a secret as I guess that person is already aware of it,' he said. I couldn't stop smiling on hearing that. 'It started with a friendship. We began as friends. Let's say, we were childhood sweethearts. I have posted our story once, as a clarification to the rumours. That day, I lied to her that it was just a cooked up line as I wanted to save myself and her from the rumour. That was easy to see through, unless that person is really dumb. But to my surprise, she believed what I said and I loved her innocence. We haven't met for years and when I saw her again, I realised that she was always somewhere inside my heart. I never forgot her even though our friendship was stained. I wanted to get in touch with her, I wanted to be friendly with her and I tried all the tricks. I took a distance from all the other girls. I was obviously showing interest in her. Anyone would have caught that, unless that person has a poor brain. But again, she played along. She's the first person I got jealous of, she's the first person with whom I have shared all my sides. I have been sweet to her, I have been cute to her, I have been angry at her, I have been mad at her and I have been flirty too. She's the first person I followed on instagram. If I am right, with her brilliance, she might be checking that if I unfollowed her and followed someone else,' he paused. Ashna looked at me. She stared into my phone. His following was my current page at that time. 'I was just about to double check,' I said. She gave me a weird look and called me 'dumbass.'

He continued. 'I have a song for her. This is a song from my heart. This has my heart and this is to the girl who has my heart. Female fans, please don't feel bad, okay? I am so grateful for all your love and affection,' he paused again. There were too many happy faces and few sad faces. This song is called 'Beneath the golden chain' as I wrote this on the day we spent some quality moments together, beneath the golden chain tree. To me, you are the most beautiful, I love you,' he stopped. He started singing. An emotional song filled with affectionate and lovely words. 'I feel so touched,' I said. 'Oh. Why? Did he ever mention your name?' Ashna asked. 'Oh. Yeah,' I said confusingly. 'You stupid. When did you become stupid like this? This is clearly for you only,' she said. 'I knew. But you made it confusing. And I guess after listening to him mentioning I am stupid, I have a confusion if I am really stupid,' I said. 'You are not. You were never. You knew all along that he liked you,' she said. 'Right. I knew. So, it's him who is really stupid,' I said. 'That's my girl,' she said. But still, it was a bit confusing.

'Today is a very important day in her life. She is turning 18. I don't know what gift I should give her. She's luckily blessed with everything. If I am right, one thing she always wanted was a handsome boyfriend, and I am hereby gifting myself to her,' people couldn't stop laughing on listening to him. But he continued with full confidence. 'I am sure that she always imagined someone confessing to her in a magical way. I guess this one is a different experience for her. Rad, will you be my girlfriend?' he asked. I felt nervous on hearing that. So many people were listening to us. I heard 'say yes.' I couldn't stop blushing. He walked towards me. My heart was beating at an unusual rate. I stood up as he approached me. 'Happy Birthday,' he said. He gave me a bunch of red roses. That feeling was special. His voice was literally a treat to my ears. 'Thank you so much,' I said. I felt so happy. I heard people cheering for us. That felt romantic. 'Now can you answer my question?' he asked. I smiled from ear to ear. 'Is that a yes?' he asked. 'Yes. And yeah, I am not stupid like you said. I knew all along,' I said. He laughed on hearing that. He got his hands around my shoulder. That felt sweet. I could finally feel the vibe of being in love.

We spent the evening beneath his happy place. Special fireworks especially prepared for me were indeed beautiful. Suddenly, life felt magical. I knew that this won't last forever. Forever is indeed a lie. But, little moments of the present matters. No matter how things grow, or how things end, the moments in between matters. I was happy that I was happy again.

After the program, we parted ways very late. On reaching the hostel, I saw my parents waiting for me. It was another surprise. My parents together again and dad being healthy again, was a candy to my eyes. They prepared a birthday cake for me. They asked me to close my eyes, wish for something, and blow the candle. 'I wish to remain in this state of happiness,' I wished. My hostel mates gathered in the hall when I opened my eyes. I blew the candle, to a new year. 'Hello 18!' I said. We celebrated the whole night.

Days passed. I shifted back to home. We started living our happy life again, altogether in our sweet home. Nights of these days became especially sweet because I had someone to ask for my updates, wish me good night and give me sweet dreams. I was taken away in the romantic shade of life. Hope this lasts...

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