2.4 | The Mystery of 2:19 am

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Episode 01

A huge chandelier hung in the middle of the dimly lit room. The bed was messy. A crystalline round bottle was lying on the table in the corner. A red liquid was dripping from it. The carpet beneath has turned red as it had soaked the red liquid. The room smelled of tobacco. Two smoking pipes were kept on the table near the crystalline bottle. Two men stood in the centre of the room. They were wearing blue pants and were bare-bodied. A woman lay on the floor crying for help. It was raining heavily. She was trying to drag herself away from the two men. They were slowly approaching her. She folded her hands.

'Pl... please.. leave me. I beg you.' pleased the woman.

The men laughed, came near her, and stooped near her.

'You really think we would listen to your cries? You have been sent here for our pleasure. Let us enjoy ourselves with you first. After that, you can go.' one of them said, and they both laughed loudly.

With it, they dragged her to the bed. Her screams echoed in the room, while the two men kept on laughing. Lightning filled the entire sky, and thunder echoed in the sky. It looked as if the skies were warning the two men. But the two men were busy with their evil work. After some time, they stood near the bed laughing loudly, while the lady lay in the bed.

She was not moving. Her face slowly moved towards them. She muttered something inaudible. Blood was dripping down her lips. She was not able to move. She tried to get up but fell back. The two men got dressed in their uniforms and called the guards to clear the room. The two guards in khaki uniforms came inside to see the room in a messy condition and the lady lying on the bed.

'Sir, what should we do with the lady? She is not moving.' asked one of the guards.

'I don't know. Maybe throw her outside. We are done with her. Do you want us to treat you Indian royally? Shut up and do your work. And no one should know about it.' said the British officer.

Both of them mounted their car and left the place. The rains kept on pouring heavily. The guards came near the woman and realised she was not alive. They looked at each other.

'Should we inform Charles sir about it?' asked the first guard.

'Are you mad? Did you not listen to what he said? We need to dispose of her.' said the second guard.

'But she is dead. Should we not inform her family?' said the first guard.

'And tell them what? Their daughter died in this room after she was brutally raped by two British officers. Things have already been bad in this region.' said the second guard.

'Listen, Bhola. Let us dig a pit and bury her there. No one would know anything.' said the second guard.

Both looked at the woman. Her lifeless innocent face was smeared by the cruel Britisher officers. She did not look more than twenty. The guards rolled her in a blanket and took her to the back of the resort. There was no sign of the rains slowing down. The guards dragged the body to the end of the resort. They dug a deep pit and buried her inside. They never realised, that the wrath of the lady would continue for years.

Episode 02

'Cult.... Van Danav.... sacrifice.... revenge.... have to go.... kill.... hostel....Rajam...' fumbled Abhay.

Vipul was trying to wake Abhay, but he was shivering and kept on mumbling different words. No one was able to understand. Meanwhile, the doctor arrived. He checked the vitals of Abhay.

'His pulse rate is high. We need to admit him to the hospital as his body is reacting weirdly.' said the Doctor.

'Inform the ambulance.' shouted Madhav.

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