6. A Little Hush

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Year: 117 AC

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Year: 117 AC


"Daenys! Hey, Daenys, wake up!"

Daenys groaned, eyebrows furrowing as she shook her head and burrowed it deeper into her arms. The dim candlelight cast flickering shadows along the stone walls of the Red Keep, the silence only broken by the young princess's incoherent mumbles as she lay curled up on the cold stone floor. 

"Daenys...get up!" 

This time, it was a different voice, followed by a sharp knock to the back of her skull. Daenys flinched and when she groggily blinked awake, she came face to face with her younger brother. Luke was crouched down, his small frame hovering just inches from her. He studied her with wide-eyed curiosity, blinking innocently when she scowled at him.

"It was Jace!" he blurted out immediately, sensing her disapproval. "He's the one who hit you."

"I did not!" 

"Yes, you did!"

Daenys rubbed her eyes as her scowl grew deeper, "And is there a reason you two felt the need to bother me at this hour."

"Why are you sleeping on the floor?" Jace piped up. 

"Oh," she looked around her in surprise, stretching out her arms over her head as she surveyed her surroundings. "I didn't realize..."

"You can come to say goodnight to the baby with us since you're here," Luke bounced on his feet as he held out his hand for her to take. 

"Is that why you're both here then?"

Jace nodded solemnly, "We have to greet the baby every morning and every night so he remembers our faces."

Daenys snorted, "And who told you that?"

"It's just true okay!"

"Just come on!" Luke whined, flapping his hand more insistently in her face until she took it. 

"Just so you know, I never did that with either of you and you seem to remember me just fine," Daenys yawned. 

"You should have. Now I'm going to forget you when I get very very old."

"Is that so Lucerys?"

"Yes. Grandsire says when you're that old, you start to forget things. Sometimes he forgets the way Queen Aemma used to sound and then he has to think very hard to remember again. When I'm very very old, I'm going to forget your face so you have to visit me every morning and night to make sure I remember okay."

"Ha! You know if you're that old, I'll be even older. I might not even be there at all," Daenys chuckled. 

Luke's grip on her fingers tightened as he peered up at her, eyes fierce.

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