7. Driftmark

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Year: 120 AC

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Year: 120 AC


Driftmark didn't suit their little family, it seemed. Soon after they arrived on its shores, news arrived of a fire in Harrenhal and the loss of Lord Lyonel Strong and his son Harwin Strong. Rhaenyra had done a remarkable job keeping her composure intact, but Daenys wasn't deaf to the shuddering sobs that escaped her mother's chambers when the hour grew late. Only days after, they also received news of the death of Lady Laena Velaryon. That was the final straw for the family and both Daenys's parents fell to pieces, leaving her to scramble to take care of her younger siblings. Ser Laenor's adoration for the sister he had not seen in years was well known, as was his wife's affection for her sister-in-law. 

Rhaenyra's grief was the quiet miserable kind, the kind that dug its fingers into her throat, but no one would know even if she was choking on it right beside them. She hid her sorrow quite well, although her melancholy eyes sometimes gave it away. Daenys had only heard her cry out once in public, and still, it was where no one would see her. 

"I should have gone to see her!" Rhaenyra had wailed, referring to Lady Laena. "I was there at the birth of both her children, and she at mine. I should have been there."

The preparations for the journey to Driftmark were made hastily in order to arrive in time for Lady Laena's funeral, and now as she stood at the edge of the cliffs of High Tide, watching as they prepared to throw her aunt's coffin into the sea, Daenys added another name to the list of women in her head who had died in childbirth. She did not wish to be heir to the Iron Throne if this is what it would cost her, and so the death of Laena Velaryon solidified an idea in her mind that she had only briefly entertained earlier. 

"We join today, at the seat of the sea to commit the Lady Laena Velaryon of House Velaryon to the eternal waters, the dominion of the Merling King, where He will guard her for all the days to come. As she sets to sea for her final voyage the Lady Laena leaves two true-born daughters on the shore."

It was Lord Corlys's brother, Ser Vaemond Velaryon who spoke the words of the ceremony. The nobles of House Velaryon and Targaryen stood around the casket, various expressions on their faces. Princess Rhaenys stood with Lady Laena's daughters, Baela and Rhaena, clutched to her chest, while Lord Corlys stood grimly beside them. Rhaenyra had her arms around her two eldest son's shoulders, her eyes steeled against grief. She refused to show any emotion, not here where others would see it. In contrast, Ser Laenor's grief was palpable. His shoulders were slumped, and there were dark shadows under his eyes. One of his hands fisted the bottom of his tunic and the other was clasped tightly in his daughter's hand. Daenys wasn't quite sure if it was her who was holding on to her father or if he was holding on to her. He clutched her fingers almost painfully tight and although she was beginning to lose feeling in her fingertips, she kept him tethered, holding on even tighter. If she loosened her grip even a little, she felt as though he would slip away and she'd never see him again, so father and daughter held on to each other, each a lifeline for the other. 

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