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Ennessey     Brown

"Ennessey" I slowly opened my eyes seeing Saige looking down at me. I closed them back and rubbed them to try and wake up.

"What time is it?" I questioned.

"Pushing 7:30, get up" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Boy no it's too early" I snatched the covers over my head trying to go back asleep. I refuse to get up that early unless it's for work.

"Ion care" he snatched them back off. I glared at him with a mug as he snickered. Ain't nothing funny about messing with my sleep.

"Why are we even up this early?, the birds haven't even started chirping yet"

"Cause we gonna take a little nature walk before the rest of your folks wake up" I sat up yawning.

"Nature walk? I'm not about to hike no where" he squinted his eyes.

"Says the woman who was driving an atv through mud, get dressed" I rolled my eyes getting out of bed.

"Roll 'em again and see what happens" I was tempted to do it just to get a rise out of him. I dragged myself into the bathroom to brush my teeth. I was hoping to at least get another hour or two before my mama start banging pots around like she can cook.

It didn't take me long to put my hair into a low ponytail and some comfortable clothes. Well clothes suitable for hiking. There was a hiking trail close by my grandparents house, so we started the walk there.

"So what time do you usually go hiking?"

"Depends on my schedule I try for 6 every other week" I took my head back in shock.

"6? You one of those people who wake up before the bird gets the worm" I joked. He cracked a smile.

"You're funny" I shrug.

"I try— what the hell" I smacked at my arms as a couple of gnats flew in my face. And it begins.

"Did you spray any off on yourself" I nodded.

"That shit never works. False advertisement. Zero out of ten don't recommend" he chuckled.

"You on a roll today." He pushed a couple leaves out of my way. "Tell me, why does your mom care so much about your love life"

"I dunno. Apparently every woman in my family was one and done but I refuse to stick with someone just because it's comfortable. I always wanted to find my soulmate but niggas ain't shit" I muttered causing him to chuckle.

"So what it's a brown tradition?"

"You can say that. It's not only my love life. It's the way I choose to live my life as well. They are very traditional if you haven't notice. My sisters both decided to quit their jobs to tend the house. I can tell brandy is miserable with her decision and I refuse to follow those footsteps"

"So they were against you going to college and having an actual career" I nodded. "That's bullshit. Working women are way more attractive"

"So do you find me attractive Mr.Hartz" I asked with a smirk. He bit his bottom lip looking me up and down.

"Insanely beautiful. It's just something about a woman who knows how to handle her own that turns me on. That's another reason I find everything about you attractive. You have dreams and aspirations"

As I was fixing to say something a rock tripped me up. I just knew for a fact I was gonna face plant when I felt him catch me before I fall. "Told you nature don't like me"

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