Yandere Hannibal x Reader - part 1

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Will Graham and I entered Hannibal's office for Will's weekly session, but this time he brought me along. Hannibal had never seen me before and didn't know who I was. I held a book close to me, slightly intimidated by the handsome and tall man who stood before us.

"Hello, Dr. Lecter," Will spoke first, "I Hope you don't mind but I brought my cousin over, they won't bother us and I assumed they could read quietly up there."

Will gestured to the second floor of mainly bookshelves. I gazed at the sight and found it comforting.

"Not at all, Will," Hannibal gave me a curious look, "Please, tell me your name."

I tore my eyes away from the large room I was looking at, now focusing on Hannibal.

"My name's Y/N, nice to meet you, Dr. Lecter."

I stuck my hand out to shake his.

"Lovely to meet you, too, Y/N," Hannibal shook my hand, "Are you enjoying the collection so far?"

Will was getting a little nervous with how Hannibal was looking at me. Will knew Hannibal could be a charmer and he was quite protective of me. He was also still suspicious of Hannibal but he didn't feel okay leaving me at his house alone when two killers were on the loose so bringing me here with him nearby felt like a safer option. He was too stubborn to find someone else for me to hang out with.

Will was now getting a little annoyed by the attention Hannibal was giving me and decided to politely interrupt, Will was here for his session of course and wanted to get it over with as soon. As possible.

"I don't want to be rude but I believe our session time has already started," Will interjected.

"Not rude at all, Will, you're quite right," Hannibal let go of my hand and focused on Will, sitting down in his chair, "Let's continue, shall we?

With Will's and Hannibal's permission, I climbed up the ladder to the second floor and read my book quietly. Hannibal looked over at me for a second, then looked back at Will

"So, Will, what's on your mind today?"

I didn't realize how long the session would actually take and so I fell asleep on the floor after making sure I put a bookmark in my book. I slept for two hours before the room felt deathly quiet. Hannibal looked up to the second floor. He couldn't see me anymore since I was lying down. He got up from his chair.

"Will, could I have a word?" Hannibal asked and Will nodded. Hannibal then whispered to Will, "I can't see your cousin. Did they leave?"

"Y/N probably just fell asleep," Will shrugged, not liking that they were straying from conversation.

Hannibal went over to the ladder and quietly climbed it. He looked over at me, sleeping peacefully on the floor. He smiled and quietly sat down next to me. I felt the presence of someone beside me and so I woke up, lightly jumping in surprise at the close proximity.

"Um, hello," I looked at Hannibal, "Has your guys session ended?"

"Yes, Will just finished," Hannibal was really close to me now, and he couldn't deny how beautiful he thought I was... he was too close, "You must be quite tired."

"Well, I did nap just now so not as tired as I was before," I admitted, sitting up while subtly moving farther from him.

I watched Hannibal's eyes dart from my lips to my eyes, hearing Will pacing downstairs in the background. Will didn't like not being able to see what was going on.

"Hannibal?" He called out, "May I collect my things and go now?"

Since Hannibal couldn't see Will he decided to quickly look through Hannibal's journal and was surprised and a little scared of what he saw. He was more scared for his cousin who was right beside the very man. Hannibal oddly felt familiar to me but I couldn't grasp why.

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