Jason Voorhees x (Blind) Reader

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"So can you even swim?"

"Yeah, how does that work if you're blind?"

"Well, It works the same if you can see," I explained, "It's just swimming."

"But you can't see!"

  I was trying my best to explain to these guys that it didn't matter if I could see or not, I could still swim. They were dumbasses.

"What would happen if we pushed you in?"


I didn't have time to react before I felt myself get pushed into the lake. The guys ran away laughing while I swam up to the top. I couldn't figure out which way the dock was but started swimming to where I thought it could be. I must have ended up going the wrong way because I didn't immediately feel the wooden dock.


  I kept swimming until my hands met with the squishy ground, I kept going until I started feeling the water dropping. I was not up to my ankles in water, walking out until I was completely on dry land.

"Hello?" I called out.

  Shit again.

  I had to be on the other side of the lake. But how? How did I get to this side? I couldn't hear anything but the ambiance of night beginning to fall onto the forest. Frightened, I could now say I was frightened.

  One of the counselors were supposed to be with me during activities but an emergency came up that made all the counselors leave. I was on my own now.

  Leaves crunched under my feet as I walked until I felt a tree in front of me, I decided to sit against it while I waited for help. No use walking when I didn't know where I would be going. Sitting by the lake was probably the smartest choice.

  Someone else's feet crunching against the leaves caught my attention. They were heavy footsteps, obviously not belonging to my counseler but I was grateful that someone found me. I was shivering to death while I was still soaked and the sun was setting. No more warmth from the sun to hit my skin.

"Hello?" I called out again, "I didn't mean to be on this side of the lake, they pushed me off the dock and I didn't know which way the dock was..."

  No response, I could practically sense the person in front of me now. Heavy breathing belonging to whoever found me. I weakly stood up, leaning against the tree for support. Surely if the person was trying to gesture or something they could figure out that I couldn't see. Not being able to make direct eye contact.

  Before I could say anything else I felt something whoosh past me. I blinked, not flinching as I assumed it was the wind. More silence. Odd.

"Are you still there?" I asked.

  I now felt air as someone was clearly waving their hands in front of my face. I blocked the hand with mine as I sighed.

"Yes, I'm blind," I said, "Would you mind leading me back to camp?"

  More silence.

"Sir?" I was getting annoyed, "Miss? Person? Human? It?"

  Something was dropped into my hands, holding it I could tell it was a roughed up blanket. I accepted it without hesitation, wrapping myself around it.

"Thank you."

  A large hand was gingerly placed on my back, leading me away from my spot by the tree and probably to the camp.

"I was worried no one would find me," I broke the silence, "Especially since I think everyone probably thinks I drowned after getting pushed in."

  I got a grunt in response.

"Are you one of the counselors?" I asked as we neared the camp.

  No response.

"If you don't want to speak you can trace your finger to make letters on my hand," I offered.

  We stopped walking as he took my hand and traced No. Not a counselor? His voice sounded too deep to be one of the campers. But I guess asking would remove that possibility.

"A camper?"

Another no.

"A... cop?"

  No again.

"Then who are you?"

  He didn't answer, instead he went back to leading me to the camp. Before I could protest or say anything I heard a camper scream before all hell broke loose.

"What's going on?!" I got closer to the man leading me.

  The camp was all in a craze, I could hear screaming and shouting. The man turned me towards him, taking my hand and slowly tracing another word.



I nodded, feeling myself being guided behind a wall of sorts. A cabin? And left to hide behind it. I heard the male run off, people continuing to scream. Someone suddenly sat down beside me, panting and trembling. Shoulders touching mine as they were assumedly huddling.

"You're the person Voorhees was holding hostage!" He gasped, "How did he kidnap you?!"

"Kidnap?" I questioned, "Whose Voorhees?"

"Sorry, I forgot you were blind," he mentally facepalmed, "he's this huge guy who wears a hockey mask and the walking dead kind of clothes... something like that. AND he has a machete!"

"Where is he?" I whispered to him.


"Right in front of us..." he screamed as I heard him stumble then run away.

  I heard a sickening crack and scream before I could only hear one person's steps. And they were approaching me. I scooted back to the wall, my eyes darting everywhere yet seeing nothing.

  The heavy breathing was back and I waited for something, anything to happen. A hand held my wrist and brought me up to my feet with alarming amount of strength.

  The screaming had ceased, I noticed. That wasn't a good sign. I heard a grunt before my hand was in someone's large one again. Fingers tracing my palm.




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