Malfoy Manor

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Ladies and gentlemen, this is the moment Narcissa has been waiting for.

Fucking 4 years

December arrived, bringing with it more snow and an avalanche of tasks for the f
ifth-year students. Homework piled up, while Cassi and Draco also had to deal with their responsibilities as prefects, which became more intense with Christmas approaching.

They were called to supervise the castle's decoration, which included dealing with the constant criticism from the Bloody Baron, the Slytherin ghost. Draco began to grow annoyed with the ghost's complaints but Cassi tried to calm him down, reminding him that they would be going home soon.

In addition, they were also tasked with taking care of the younger students, the first and second years, who spent their breaks inside the castle due to the intense cold. The young Slytherins proved to be quite polite, which relieved Cassi, as she wouldn't have the patience to deal with a younger version of Draco. She admired Narcissa's patience; the woman deserved an award for not going crazy.

Another task for the prefects was to patrol the corridors, alternating shifts with the caretaker, Argus Filch. He suspected that the holiday spirit could lead to an increase in dueling among the wizards.

Furthermore, the meetings of the D.A. would have to be interrupted during the holidays, as almost all members would be spending the break with their families. Cassiopeia and Draco planned to visit the Malfoys, which worried Sirius. However, he trusted Narcissa, which reassured him somewhat. Even though Cassi's mother hadn't replied to any of his letters, she continued to send sweets and love notes constantly. Cassi was concerned about the lack of communication, but there wasn't much she could do at the moment except wait and trust in her mother.

Cassiopeia was happy to receive letters from Tonks, who inquired about her life at school. She replied enthusiastically, asking questions about Tonks' work as an Auror.

With her bags all packed and Morgus in the carrier and Seraphina stubbornly coiled around her, Cassiopeia headed to the Slytherin common room. Draco was smiling excitedly.

"Finally, Mum will stop pressuring me to invite you!" he said, clearly pleased with the situation.

Cassi just laughed, acknowledging Narcissa's persistence over the past four years.

After bidding farewell to Minerva, Cassi went to say goodbye to her Gryffindor friends. But her smile faded as she saw the expressions on their faces. Ron asked incredulously if she was really going to join the Malfoys. Hermione looked awkward, playing with her fingers and avoiding direct eye contact with Cassi. The atmosphere grew tense.

"You better watch your tone, Weasley," Cassiopeia warned in a growl.

"You're just like-" Before he could finish the sentence, Cassiopeia cut him off, pointing her wand directly at him.

"The next time you unjustly accuse me, it will be the last time we'll be friends," Cassiopeia coldly snarled, without saying another word.

She ignored the apologies from Hermione, Ron, and Harry as she left. She was tired of being accused of betrayal without credible reasons.

When the train stopped, she felt a slight nervousness take over. She realized she would spend the holiday season at Narcissa's house, and a shiver ran down her chest.

She tried to convince Seraphina to enter the damn carrier, but the snake refused and remained firmly coiled around her neck, murmuring something about 'I have to protect you' or something like that.

There stood Narcissa.

She was among the other parents and relatives, with an elegant posture and an impeccable dress, not to mention her broad smile.
As soon as she saw Cassiopeia, her smile intensified even more, if possible. Draco practically ran to her and hugged her tightly.

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