The Savior Princess

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Every week that passed, Cassiopeia's concern grew as she continued to hear no news from the Gryffindor trio. Kreacher was determined to find the three of them, but she didn't want to overload him. Thus, occasionally, she herself went on patrols in her Animagus form. Draco was eager to help, but his actions were limited by being confined at Hogwarts.

Her work at the Ministry became a bit more challenging. As if Yaxley wasn't enough, now some other Death Eaters, men and women, began to court her under the pretext that she was old enough for an arranged marriage.

Idiots, all of them.

Narcissa was livid when she realized, pressuring Lucius with the bureaucracy of their marriage contract. But the man always had a lost and terrified look. He was worried about Voldemort's threats, wanting to protect the family, but he didn't know how. He had failed years ago when he joined the Death Eaters, thinking it was the right thing to do.

Lucius wasn't as bad a father as he seemed. He truly loved Draco. He was a man who made all the wrong decisions, and now his family was paying for them. He also tried to be good to Narcissa, did everything for her, the two were best friends.

This almost made Cassiopeia forgive the man for his share of the blame in what happened in the Department of Mysteries and eventually led to Sirius' death. He was already being punished enough.

Neville was giving the Carrows a hard time at Hogwarts. He, Draco, Ginny, and Luna were leading the D.A. throughout the school and recruiting as many students as possible.

Draco was smart enough not to get caught, but Neville proved to be a true brave and reckless Gryffindor bordering on foolishness. He took on the role of a revolutionary leader, encouraging rebellion blatantly. To the point that the Death Eaters invaded the boy's grandmother's house to threaten him that if he didn't stop, they would kill the poor lady.

They just didn't count on the toughness of Grandma Longbottom. The elderly woman sent three Death Eaters to St. Mungo's in a deplorable state and was now on the run.


It was on a Christmas morning that Cassiopeia received a slightly crumpled parchment from Andromeda. The Tonks had been subjected to the Cruciatus Curse several times as Death Eaters searched for Harry in their home.

She was livid. She wanted to Apparate to check on Andromeda and Tonks, but it would be too risky to go alone.

It was Draco who offered to go with her. He truly touched her when he said they were family, so obviously he would go check as well.

To their surprise, Narcissa didn't protest. She was worried too, especially since Tonks was pregnant, and she knew what could have happened to the baby.


The moon was high in the sky, casting a silvery glow over the dark landscape. The atmosphere was tense as Cassiopeia and Draco, enveloped in the darkness of the night, moved cautiously through the dimly lit alley.

"Are they surrounded?" Draco's voice was low, a mere murmur barely reaching her ears.

Indeed. There were two Death Eaters patrolling not so discreetly in the alley. She was sure they weren't Muggles, despite not being able to see their faces; she knew from their eccentric robes.

Cassiopeia cast a sidelong glance at him. "It's just two of them, scared?"

"As you wish," he mocked with a smile.

Cassi sighed, her breath forming a cloud before dissipating into the night. "Alright, but we can't use magic. It might raise suspicions and alert the Ministry that something's wrong. We have to do this the Muggle way."

HP • 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤  ─  𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐒𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐱 𝐎𝐂Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz