Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


"Kelly? Did you hear what I said?" My dad's voice knocked me out of my thoughts

"No huh what you say?"

"I said you're the best chance we have at getting this guy I need you on this." He pleaded

"But I'm just a rookie." I shrugged my shoulders

"Yes but you know him and ya'll have a history." He reasoned

"I don't know this guy is ruthless."

"Don't worry I'll be with you every step of the way, you're going to be safe at all times. Besides this is what you need to move up in the ranks let them know you aren't one to be looked over we have a reputation to up hold." He sealed the deal

"Fine I'll do it."

"Good we have a briefing with the rest of the guys in an hour." He got up from the breakfast table taking his morning coffee with him.

I looked over the folder he placed in front of me a few moments ago. It's been years since I've seen or came in contact with P and Ace. That night I met my dad he told me he had been looking for me for quiet some time. He just got my address from a PI and had to rush over. He wanted to see my mom but of course I told him it wasn't a good time being that it was so late so he came back the next morning. I took some of the money I made from the lick and paid the water bill I tried to clean up as best as I could but once he saw the state my mom was in he insisted I come live with him. He made me back all my things and I left that morning. I didn't want to leave my crew but I didn't have a choice when I was leaving I ran into Jonica and I told her I was leaving and to also relay the message to the others. We moved to Cali. I had no idea my dad was the chief of police but I later found out that day, when we pulled up to a mansion equipped with a full staff of maids, butlers, and chiefs I even had someone to do my hair if I didn't feel like it. Of course this life wasn't for me and I felt like an outcast having all these different people in my home I quickly adapted to the world around me.

"Is everything ok?" Sam, my dad's wife asked

"Uh yeah I was just looking over some things." I quickly closed the folder and took a sip of my water

"You remind me so much of your father that man can't help but to bring work to the breakfast table." She slightly chuckled

"Uh yeah." The air suddenly became awkward.

Ever since I moved in Samantha or Sam for short has treated me like one of her own. She has gone out of her way to make me feel welcome, but coming from a place where I had to be my own mother it just always feels awkward around her.

"Where's Nick?" She asked referring to my older brother

"I'm not sure he hasn't come down yet." I turned my head as if I do was looking for him

"And the prince has arrived." I heard from behind me.

Nick came strutting into the dining room and taking a seat next to me at the table.

"I was just asking about you, did you get in late last night?" Sam asked

"Kind of, Did dad leave already?" Nick shrugged his shoulders

"Yeah but not before he gave me this folder to look over, he has a new case and wants me on it." I replied trying to seem excited

"You? but you just graduated the academy you're still under rookie status." He seemed surprised

"That's what I said but he insisted he said this will help me move up in the ranks ya know get my name around the buzz." I shrugged my shoulders

"Ok well good luck." He gave me a slight smile.

A Thug and His Lady(DAVE EAST FAN FICTION)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora