Chapter 16

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Johns pov

  I'm currently sitting in a tent with a bunch of soldiers, waiting for general Logan to come up and talk. My company may work with soldiers and stuff, but being here makes me really happy for the things I have. 

  Logan ends up coming in wearing a uniform and by the looks of it he has four metals of honor. "Listen up soldiers!" He commands, as he does everyone goes silent and straightens up. "All of you here have heard of Sergeant Major Mace, yes? Well she has been taken hostage by General Hassan. Our mission is to bring her back to her family. Our mission is not to get Hassan, we just need to get Mace back." Logan explains.

  "First we need to find out where she is, they couldn't have taken her to far. Meaning she should still be in the country. How we know this is by the license plate of the van that took her. Our goal is to find out where exactly that van is. Once we find that out we'll find where they're holding her hostage. We'll get her out and leave. If we can grab a guard or two but that is not the mission." It's interesting to see how all these men look up to the general. 

  The general goes on talking about the mission and giving some more information. After about an hour all the soldiers leave and go back to bed, seeing as it's 4:00 in the morning. "There's a tent set up with a cot for you. Get up and fallow me," Logan commands. With out question, I fallow him. 

  He is not the kind of person that you would want to get on the bad side. As where walking I have so many questions. The way he was talking made it sound like she was taken before. "Something on your mind?" General Logan says, taking me out of thought. "Uhh well, when you where talking it sounded like she was taken by him before. Is that true?" I ask.

  "I'm assuming then that she hasn't told anyone about her time away. Yes, she was on a mission and her and her team where taken behind enemy lines. We thought she was dead until she cam back about nine months later. She never said a word about her time, but we all knew that what they did to her was unimaginable. People here have a hard time reliving their time over seas. Especially the job she had," he finishes saying. 

  There's clearly a lot to her that no one knows about. Not even her own family. "How long until we get her back?" I ask. General Logan stops before the tent and sighs. "At least two weeks, maybe three. Trying to find out where she is will take a week, possibly a week in a half. And the guys that she's with are the best of the best. Then we'll have to make a plan, camp out and check out the scene, then we will make a move," he explains. 

  "Get some rest and we'll talk tomorrow. Meet me in my tent at 9:30 on the dot," he tells me. I nod my head and walk into my tent. The fact that she might miss her sisters wedding. What do I tell Addie. I know that it would break her heart to not have her sister there. She doesn't say it, but she loves her sister. And when she left she felt sad and scared for her sister. Or at least that's what she told me. 

  The next morning I head out of the tent and there are soldiers running and doing training. "Why do people do this stuff?" I whisper under my breath. I would hate to go threw all of this training. I look down at my watch which reads 9:28. "Shoot!" I panic. I'm supposed to meet up with General Logan. 

  I race over to his tent and make it just on time. As I get to his tent I'm panting and out of breath. I walk in and quickly sit down. "Sorry sir," I say panting. "I understand that your not an army man. But since you work with them I would think that you would know to never be late. Especially five minutes," he says looking me dead in the eyes. I can feel my heart sink to the bottom of my soul. 

  Then he bursts out laughing, so I start to laugh nervously. "HAHAHAHA! I'm just messing with you," he chuckles.  "Ok but seriously, try to be on time. Anyway, you are free to go," he says. "Wait what?!" I ask in shock. "You're not trained for combat. There for you have no use for this mission. If anything you'll just be in the way. I'll keep you updated but you should go home," he says.

   "But I wanna help! I need to get her back. It's my wedding in four months and I need her to be ok," I complain. "Listen, the man that where dealing with, he's not an easy man. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but even the recovery alone could take a while. She new what she was doing and she new the cost. We will get her back to you, I promise, but you need to leave and let use handle it," he explains.

  I know that I can't win a fight with him and not to mention that you don't wanna fight with a general. I do as he says and leave. The drive home was filled with sadness and questions. Although I don't know her very well and I get the feeling that she disapproves of me, I want her to be ok. And I don't know what I'm gonna tell everyone. 

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