Chapter 45

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General Logan
  If Mace is the shooter, then there's going to be some issues. Why would she do this? The lady did say something about doing it for her family. Could she be forced into doing it? And where is she? There are so many questions running through my head.

  Worst part though, is that I don't have an answer for any of them. I need to just go home and go to bed. If I sleep it off, maybe it will come to me. Who knows.  As I'm driving home I contemplate on calling her parents about this. But maybe that would be the wrong move.

  The last thing that they need is to get their hopes up and then she turns up dead. I pull up to the parking garage to my apartment and I head inside. The moment I entire my little run down apartment, I grab a bear and flop onto the couch. I let sleep consume me, yet the questions that run through my head don't stop.

  I board the plane and make my way to America. My target is a lousy general. He's in his 40's and is around 6'4. Eye's brown, and hair brown. Just by looking at the picture I would assume that he's 315 pounds, pure muscle though. General Hassan said that he is a threat to his cause.
I'm not to sure what the cause is, but I trust Hassan with my life.

  Once we land I make my way to the camp that he supposedly runs. I entire a tent that reads General Logan. I walk in and look around, but I don't see his. I walk over behind the desk and see a picture of me and 26 other people. I pick it up and inspect it. I look... happy. I look behind me and see that he's working on the assassination. I look at the red strings that go from picture to picture. It looks like he has a few suspects, but he isn't sure.

  I won't kill him, not yet. I want to toy with his mind. How he has a picture of me, I have no clue, but I want to get into his head. I grab the picture of myself and take it out of the frame. I grab my knife and stick the picture to the wall. I grab the strings a make all of them connect to the picture of me.

  Once their all placed, I slit open my wrist and using my other hand, I write (Your next). When I turn around I see a soldier standing there. I smile and throw my knife into his throat, killing him. I jump over the desk and finish the job. I grab my knife, wipe the blood off, and then put it back into it's sheath.

  I walk back over to the desk and I notice a book. I open it to reveal an address. I could just kill him now, but I want to see how good he actually is. I make my way out of the tent and away from the premise. I make my way to an abandoned building and camp out there for the night.

  It's funny how I've had two missions here in Texas in the mater of a little over a month. "Stop it," I say it loud. I can't think like that. I could get in trouble. I sigh and close my eyes for a moment. Come morning I get a call from Hassan.

  "Is it done yet?" He asks. "No, he wasn't there sir. So I sent him a message for when he gets to his office. I wanted to toy with his mind," I tell him. "Very good Khor. I want him dead by tomorrow, understood?" He asks. "Yes General Hassan," I comply. The phone hangs up and I grab my gun.

  I make my way to the campsite to try and find out how the general reacted. Once I get there, I snag some cloths to blend in. I put them on and make my way to the generals tent. As I'm approaching, I am able to hear the conversation. "Who did this?" I hear a voice ask. "We're not sure." Another voice chimes in.

  Suddenly I have eyes on my target. If he knows me, he must not see my face. But that's when I get an idea. I decide to walk towards him with my head down. There's already a crowd of people around his tent so I should be able to go unnoticed. As I get closer to him, I bump into his shoulder and place a bug on him.

  "Watch where your going soldier," I hear him say, but I keep walking. "What the?" I can tell that he's going to come after me, but then his name gets called. I head out to my bike and drive off to the abandoned building. I hook up the bug and listen into the conversation.

  "Oh sweet Jesus. How did this happen?" The general asks. I'm assuming that he's looking at the body. "We found him here like this this morning," A voice says. "But there's something else that you should take a look at," the voice adds. I can hear the ruffle of a cloth, he's stepping into the tent.

  "Oh no," I hear him whisper under his breath. I can here him walk up to the board and grab the knife from the board. "You two are dismissed," the general says. His voice is filled with rage, fear, sorrow, and anger. I hear two pairs of feet leave the tent and then the general starts to talk to himself.

"I can't believe it, it really is Mace." This confuses me, my name isn't Mace. It's Khor Khoreh. I hear him sit down with a thud and a sigh. Maybe there's someone else that looks like me? "I wish that I could have saved you. I was only trying to help, I'm sorry Mace." I turn off the bug and grab my guns and start to clean them. Tonight, General Logan will die.

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