Ch. 7 Extermination

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When it comes to combat, there's not much need for complicated considerations. It all boils down to a cycle of two people's thoughts – doing things that the other dislikes, imposing one's own desires, and rendering the enemy powerless.

In essence, combat is about the stronger claiming victory and glory. It's a straightforward matter.

And in that aspect, it can be confidently asserted that there's no one who can stand alongside this existence called the King of Heroes.

Infinite wealth.

Infinite possibilities.

Above all, the wisdom to choose among them.

With these aspects combined, one cannot afford to be careless or arrogant, for it would be absurd to be caught off guard.

And now, standing here, Gilgamesh has nearly none of those peculiarities.

Despite being an absolute powerful being, he possesses human-like thoughts and sensibilities. By balancing both, he would undoubtedly never fall behind any other existence.


"Are you... one of the Servants of those humans?"

"That's right. There's no way this appearance would look like a vagrant."

Standing before me is... a Lancer, discernible from the weapon he carries and his monk-like appearance. Although there's mist surrounding him, making it impossible to know his true identity, it seems the Shadow Servant's personal matters don't matter. The vessel is saying there's no need to keep an eye on the debris that will eventually disappear.

However, one must not underestimate the soul dwelling in the vessel. If we lose, there won't be a second chance. We are always in a desperate situation.

"Wandering alone is the epitome of foolishness. Allow me to pierce you and present your head to your master."

"Do as you please. If there's one who can make me deviate from my duties as a hero, then so be it."

...Come to think of it, whenever I voice my thoughts, the words come out sounding arrogant and conceited.

It's probably the pride of this vessel. To always be arrogant and disdainful, always looking down on others, that's what it is.

...It's not that I want to control this vessel known as the King of Heroes. What I wish for is to polish my soul with this vessel.

To see things from a hero's perspective and act with a hero's viewpoint.

And to protect the lives that strive earnestly and safeguard the future.

Someday, perhaps I'll be able to say that I did something for those girls to reach a peaceful future. That's what I believe.

What I can do as my reincarnated self.

"Well then, let's go for some clean-up. It won't take long."

From the golden ripples, I draw a different sword, not the one that emits beams.

"Roar, Servant of Gold. Now, receive this life of yours!"

Lancer readies himself and charges straight towards me.

The distance that once existed disappears, and we are in the range of deadly blows.


His powerful strike, fueled by explosive force, approaches my neck without missing.

Yet, everything – the unfolding of this confrontation – is foreseen by my red eyes.

With a slight movement of my head, I evade the attack and push Lancer away with a swift swing of my sword.

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