Ch. 33 Promise

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In the night forest, the space was filled with silence as everyone slept.

The King of Heroes, however, was awake and lying in a hammock, using it as an opportunity to stay vigilant of the surroundings. Today, since he relied heavily on his vessel, he tried to rest a little, allowing half of his thoughts to sleep. Currently, it felt like he was just observing and listening to his own mouth moving and talking.

He refrained from doing unnecessary things, as he wasn't very good at enjoying himself. When it came to how he would spend his time with nothing to do, he, who had no clear identity, couldn't decide.

"Hmm, this reminds me of the time I ran around Uruk. The moon is slightly hazy, but it's a good night."

The vessel let out some feelings.

――He felt the same way. He didn't particularly like battles. He wouldn't hesitate to protect what he wanted to protect, but he didn't feel the desire to harm enemies for the sake of it.

Instead, spending peaceful times like this was much better. The night breeze brushed against his cheeks. It was a wonderful leisure time.

"There should have been a wine that suits this kind of moon..."

The vessel tried to take out the wine.

――His durability was astounding. Despite going through such a grand performance, it seemed like it had no effect on him at all.

――He didn't like the taste of alcohol, but he enjoyed drinking it during these peaceful moments.

Drinking a cup in the morning, feeling the touch of nature... it was truly delicious.

"Moon-viewing wine... How refined of me. If I dare to be extravagant, I'd want someone to pour it for me, but well, let's not go there."

――Out of gratitude, he wanted to offer a candidate, but unfortunately, as a soul, he couldn't make it happen.

All he could do was not disturb the King of Heroes...

"If, King of Elegance? If you're okay with it, could i be your company?"

A voice as splendid as a flower called out.

"Ohoho, it's Marie! I happened to see you at this late hour."

"Queen. What's the matter? Need to use the restroom?"

"No, I was just talking with Jeanne and the Master until a moment ago, but everyone fell asleep. However, I couldn't contain my excitement about making new friends..."

"I see, looking for someone to cool down your heated body. It's quite interesting that you chose me."

Though it sounded lecherous, he was glad to be the one keeping the lonely vessel company.

"I grant you permission. Come closer."

"It's an honor, King of Elegance!"

――Let's enjoy some wine together.


"So, you know what the people in the fortress were saying? They were helped by a golden traveler! The king's party received medicine and drove away the dragon. If there's such a wonderful person, it's only natural to want to meet them, right? So, I dragged Amadeus around and searched for them!"

"I see, they desired our companionship. I merely acted on my whims, and it happened to help the people. That's all there is to it."

Marie laughs cheerfully, while Gil smiles proudly. It's a pleasant and peaceful atmosphere.

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