Awful Place

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"Daddy! Look! Balloons!" I grabbed my fathers hand and dragged him towards the lady selling the balloons.

"Hey, slow down little lady" My father chuckled as he let me drag him around.

"Please get me one. Please!" I jumped up and down pleading him to buy my one"

"Of course" He smiled brightly at me. He took my hand properly and we walked to the lady.

"Which one do you want? Or do you want all of them?"

The lady smiled at me when she saw me looking at the balloons in awe.

"Not all of them. Then there won't be any for the others"

"So thoughtful. Good job, Nini" My dad patted my head, "Then, choose one"

"Hm" I looked at the balloons and tried to choose one. They were all so pretty. In the end, I chose a pink one in the shape of a heart.

Dad gave me money to give to the lady, "Here!" I smiled at her and gave her the money"

"Thank you sweetheart" She said with a warm smile.

I ran to my dad, tightly holding the balloon so that it wouldn't fly away.

"Here, let me tie it to your hand so we don't lose it"

He kneeled down and tied the strand on my wrist.

"Where's mommy?" I asked. She had been gone for quite some time to get icecream.

"I'm here, baby" I heard a feminine voice from behind me.

I gasped and turned around and saw my mom, then I hugged her. Mom had a very distinct scent ever since I've remembered her. It smelled like my mom. I don't know how else to describe it.

"Careful! I'm holding the ice cream!" She panicked trying to hold both me and the icecream cones in her hands.


The scene in front of me was very familiar. A girl with a balloon tied to her wrist. Playing with her father and her mother.

God, please let her have an easy life. Her and all the children here.

The balloon lady was the same person. I felt bad, but it seemed so unfair that my parents were gone while others lived their life happily. 

What are you talking about, Hanon? Should everyone die just because you parents did?

Of course that's not what I meant, but I wish everything was the same.


If everything was the same then I never would have met him.


He was the only thing holding me up on my feet.

I smiled as I looked around the park.

I wish I could bring him here. If it weren't for these stupid people, we could come here together and have a great time.

It's okay, I'll bring a balloon for him so that he doesn't feel left out.

I stood up and walked over to the balloon lady. She smiled warmly at me when she saw me. She didn't look a day older than when I last saw her about eight years ago.

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