Break Her Heart

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I stayed at the cafe, in the staff room. Hanon didn't want to risk anything and didn't let me stay outside. It was a pretty popular cafe and it had many customers.

I saw Cameron coming to the staff room to take his break. He stayed very far away from me and didn't even look at me.


"Yes!?" He hurriedly turned to me.

"I am sorry for what happened with you and Isaac"

"It's okay" He looked down.

"Everything is taken care of regarding him, so you don't need to worry, but there is a possibility my father will contact you"

He widened his eyes, "Well, I'll act like nothing happened" He rushed to say.



"Don't do that. It's dangerous. He'll offer you money to tell him about me and help him take me. If you refuse, he will threaten you"

"W-well, I-"

"It's a lot of money, Cameron, and the threat is too big. Don't refuse"

"So what do I do? Do I just tell him?" He frowned.

"Yes, but you will tell me about everything that happened too"

"Ohh so I'll be like a spy?" He seemed almost excited.

Oh, you have no idea what people you'll be dealing with.

"Whatever you want to call it, but don't refuse. Tell them everything about me. Help them"

"Why are you doing this? You definitely don't care about me" He chuckled.

I smiled, "If you don't help them, they might try to get to Hanon"

"I knew it. Of course you're not doing it for me" He sighed.

"I want them to get to me before they can get to her. They will get to me eventually either way"

"But you won't tell Hanon, will you?"

"No. You won't either." I gave him a serious look.

"I won't!" He nervously said.

"And if you continue to work with her even after they get to me, please, take care of her"

"I'll try"

"But if you touch her or do anything to her, I will cut your hands off and force you to eat them"

He stayed silent at first.

"Got it" He eventually mumbled.

"And something else you need to know"


"After you've told them everything, you are considered theirs. They might make you do more stuff"

"Y-you don't mean kill people right?" He asked, almost trembling.

"No. They won't take you for that" I glanced at his physical appearance. He was pretty thin and looked weak.

"Hey, I'm stronger than I look" He glared at me.

"Sure. Anyway, what I mean to say is, you might curse me for putting you in this mess, but the truth is, they would get to you just like they did with Isaac. However, now that we're on good terms, you will not end up like him"

"What do you mean?"

"Cameron, if you stay loyal to me, you will be able to get out of this mess unharmed and keep the money you will get in the process. Once this is , will also compensate you"

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