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The fall on him made me feel more embarrassed, you released your hand from his grip forcefully, you pressed my hands against the wooden floor and helped yourself up from him. He stood up as soon as you did, “Mister, i have no more time for your useless things” you said while drawing something from your bag.

You drew out the papers from your bag and handed them over to him saying, “so, if you cannot do anything then sign this right now, and I will be ready to marry you.” He flipped the papers to see what is that and he read these highlighted words with “Quotations” even though you’ll be my husband but you still cannot touch me, there will be no Intimacy between both of us, as the marriage is not having my wish.

Reading this he spoke up, “By Marrying me, You are making me your protector and seek protection only from me?” while his brows up. And looking at you, you were giving him a not innocent look and asked him again to sign them or else you will not come to the wedding banquet where his so many relatives and business partners and all will be present, what will happen when the groom will be on the stage and was waiting for his bride to come, but…

But the bride doesn't come there and what about his reputation, his respect, everything will drown under the water, how fun it’ll be.
“Come out from your thoughts, and don’t try to escape the wedding, I will not touch you as per your condition, that will at least be a peace to see you in front of me every moment” he said while giving those papers back to you.

You left the cabin as soon as he handed back those papers to you, without even replying or giving any gesture of listening or humming. And left the office building.

When you were out of the office building he could clearly see you from the big glass wall in his cabin at the main road side. You were waiting for the taxi there. A white car with short height, breaking itself in front of you. You cannot see clearly inside as the glass windows were closed until the rider opened those black car windows.

You ignore that and move from that place to the slight right side of yours, the rider of that car reverses his car and accelerates it backwards, towards you

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

You ignore that and move from that place to the slight right side of yours, the rider of that car reverses his car and accelerates it backwards, towards you. Again you ignored, but he spoke your name while in the Car. You were shocked suddenly but did not give it an effort to bend down a little and see the person.

You again moved but this time a little more but to the right side of yours only, he again accelerated the car into your direction. Suddenly you troubled yourself to see the bloody person trying a chance on the not beautiless girl standing at a walking path.

You saw a really handsome man in the car, he is gorgeous but you snapped back to reality and shouted, “what’s the problem with you? Huh? Don’t you have your own way to go?” and walk forward to make your way home by finding a taxi.

The moment when you walked away from his car, he threw his hand on the steering wheel while making fist, and put the right hand on the gear and he again drove towards you, “what is your problem, Mister?” you said while making your face strangely weird as he was not stopping following you.

“Get inside the car” his cold voice made you stunned, “I am not, and why would I do so?” You replied to him with strictness and turned your face. “I said get in, don’t make a fuss out here” he said with anger in his tone. “Excuse me Mister, you are not my anyone. I will sit with you in a car and go, so better turn back to your way” you said with your angry face and rudely.

“Are you getting inside or not or should I carry you and throw you inside?” he said with his loud voice while taking off his sunglasses and throwing them. While looking straight on the road. “You are threatening me? Are you picking up a fight with me? Yes of course you are.” you said while making a face of irritation.

You bent down a little and lifted your right leg up, moving your hands towards your feets. You removed your heel from your leg and held it in your hand and hit it on his car’s front glass. The long heel made it go through a rough moment and the glass got all cracked. The glass breaking sound made him look at it as he was looking straight at the road.

He got his eyes red in anger, and the broken glass of his car made them darker. “You bloody brat” he cursed you with a swear word and you stood up with your mouth wide open as in disbelief that he is not even giving respect and shouting those swear words.

You wore your heel and went aside to the place where the guard was standing with his stick, you took that stick and threw it with full force on the broken front glass. That results in the whole glass crumbling away.

“You bitch” he shouted and walked towards you and lifted up his hand to slap you, before his hand could touch you, a manly hand stopped his hand wildly held that hand that made you see the veins of his hand, punched him hard that cause him to bleed by his lips and shoved him, he fell on the road and that causes a big fight between these two.

The person who was shoved put his right hand on his pumping heart, and closed his one eye in pain, “don’t you dare to come near her again?” Taehyung warned him while showing his Index finger to him while those creases on his head are clearly showing his anger while his brows up.
He stood up while lifting up his left hand to wipe up the blood came out of his lips corner by his opposite side of Palm while half folding all those fingers.
He then got back into the car and left the place, Taehyung turned to you and asked, “did he do anything to you? Are you hurt somewhere?” while looking at you with his soft gaze made your heart flutter.

“Let me drop you home,” Taehyung said, as while walking with her to the building again, and asking his PA to get his blazer from.his cabin as he is not wearing a blazer just now. He is wearing a white T-shirt and the only thing left is that red jacket to put on to look him more attractive as no one will spare his or her eyes from him.

You and Taehyung went to the parking lot to take car from there, seeing their so many super cars and high model, high class cars, you were shocked, suddenly he spoke, "which one do you want to go with?" You surprisingly looked at him and asked, "Are these all yours?" "Yes, these are all mine and you can ride them anytime you want" he declared.

As he was speaking you were listening to him while sauntering there in the parking lot, you were standing by a red car with resting your physique on it and listening to him.

He forwarded his steps to you and walked to the driving seat, "May I?" You asked while making a gesture for asking for something in your hands. You were asking for keys to him, "Not now, I think I am here and I will drop you home safely, as if you will drive, then who knows we will reach home or not" he teased her while playing with keys in his hands.
And looked at her with crossed eyes, as if to look her reaction, she was looking at him in a way like she is gonna kill him right now.

"I will drive, you cannot handle it" Taehyung again said to tease her, "I can do very much better than you" you said while keeping him quiet with your answer and showing him your strength to do it.

"Then, I am challenging you to beat me in driving the car." Taehyung challenged you while making his right brow up and his left side of lips curved upwards.

"Huh? Challenging me, this will cost you a lot, CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!!"  you exclaimed and asked for car keys.

"Aaan…aaaa…not now, we will ride them tonight" Taehyung refuse to give you the car keys and got himself in to the driving seat and asked you with his gesture to get in, while his left hand on the steering wheel and the other hand on his thigh, gesturing for you to get in the Car.

You get in the car while making your face totally irritated. these all things and especially his teasings are making you insane.

FORCED MARRIAGE| by hobiqvnWhere stories live. Discover now