3 Years Timeskip...............

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________________________________________________ 3rd person pov

Minato, the fourth Hokage, sat behind his desk trying to do his paperwork. The key word here was 'trying'. He placed his pen back down and Sighed in frustration, he sat back into his chair and rubbed his temples. He stared out the window of his office as he thought about everything that happened in his life, in this past few years.

In few years that he did not like to think about. Those reminded him of his constant failure as a Hokage as well as father. However, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't stop these thoughts of flashing over and over in his mind. He remembered how everything changed from good to bad and how helpless he had been to prevent it.

One of his failure was the Uchiha Clan Massacre that happened two year's. After Kyubi's attack on Konoha, the Others Clan Head's and council members suspect uchiha clan for kyubi's incident. Because they all see Sharingan in kyubi's eyes, and blame uchiha clan. I many times explain them about Kyubi's incident and tell them the Mask man but they didn't lost their suspension.

After that Konoha council take uchiha almost every political power and isolated them, and conclusively watched their every activity , because of this Uchiha Clan had intended to start a Coup . However, knowing that a coup don't  only trigger the beginning of another ninja-world war, Shishu Uchiha had come up with the idea that he would use his Kotoamatsukami on Fugaku Uchiha to subtly end the coup d'état plan. But before Shishu make this move, we find this dead body in Naka River with a suicide note . When we check this body we didn't find this eyes. After that i sent a group of anbu for investigate for this incident , and otherside i thought how stopped uchiha's too Start a Coup .

One day Itachi had come up with the idea that he would kill off the Uchiha clan to make it so that the coup wouldn't happen, something that Danzo and the two elders liked. After hearing this i shocked but don't express my emotions and after some thinking i order Itachi killed all uchiha clan men's who involved in the coup.

Sometimes later , I received word from them Anbu that Itachi had killed off the whole Uchiha clan only leaving Mikoto, Sasuke, Izumi, and a few others alive.  After massacre the uchiha clan he escaped from Konoha . After that order anbu to declare  Itachi as a missing nin.

When I give orders on Anbu, i felt a pang of guilt in chest.  The Uchiha clan paid a heavy price for his failure. He looked down at the photo that he had on his desk. His family photo. He picked it up and traced his fingers lightly over his son's picture.

His son constantly reminded him that he failed to fulfil his job as a father.

Naruto had become increasingly distant and cold to everyone even to his siblings . As far as Minato knew, Naruto used to be a sweet and bright child—something he and Kushina had failed to see at that time—but these days, he would hardly see a smile on Naruto's face. His son had become a shadow of his old self. He had no one to blame but himself for this because it was his foolish mistakes that had caused his son so much pain in the past.

His train of thought interrupted by a quiet knock on the door.

________________________________________________ 3rd person end.

Minato :"Come in," .

He saw the former Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, who was somewhere around 68 years old, walk in his office. He was a light-skinned man of below-average stature with gray hair. Then he noticed his two his least favorite people behind Hiruzen. Homura Mitokado and Koharu Utatane. They were around the same age as Hiruzen. Homura was gray hair, a beard man with glasses and had a strong jaw-line a facial structure. Next to him was Koharu Utatane. She had gray hair. Her hair was pulled back in a twin bun locked by a traditional Japanese hairpin with two pearls dangling off the side. Two of them were part of the Leaf's Elder Council.

Minato: "Hiruzen-sama and honorable elders, what can I do for you?" he shows some respect to the former Hokage and his ex-teammates. He gestured for them to take a seat. They gladly accepted his offer.

Hiruzen pulled his pipe out of his sleeve and lit it with a quick application of Fire chakra. "Minato," He put it in his mouth and inhaled in, before releasing a cloud of smoke from his mouth. "We are here to discuss about the upcoming graduation exam"

Adjusting his glasses with his thumb, Homura said, "As you already know, most of the students in today's graduation exam are the heirs of some of the clans."

"There are also the last Uchiha children and your children," Koharu added. "Your daughter and  2ns son was a Jinchuuriki and your oldest son, he is by far the most genius and powerful kid his age.

Homura : "He is a prodigy and a natural genius. He's all qualities to become a Genin even Chunin right now, but the reason he isn't a Genin/Chunin yet is because of you Minato,"  as he gave him a glare, showing he didn't like that decision of his leader "You didn't allow him to take an early graduation test."

Minato : he narrowed eyes at Homura. " Naruto was too young that time, Homura-San," he said in a harsh tone to prove his point. "He wasn't ready to become a Genin.

Hiruzen : Okay then let's discuss about new Genin Teams.

To be continued.
Authors Note:

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