Meet Mackenzie

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Present day
I sat in the dark forest, tears rolling down my blood stained face my fingers red from the blood that had managed to seep through the cloth I was using to cover my wound. the deep lash on my stomach was sending searing pains through my body. Not being able to remember the past year of my life was making the pain worse. Groggily I tried standing up and failed, my body folded back over and flopped to the grass. What happened to me, why was I hurt, and most importantly where was I?

2 years ago
"Mackenzie, time for breakfast," my dad yelled "your going to be late." quickly I hoped out of bed and threw my hair up. I could hear Jason honking his horn, knowing him he probably has been sitting outside my house for 20 minutes now. I ran downstairs tripping at the bottom but quickly regaining my balance. "When are you going to learn to not run down the stairs Mack? You have tripped almost everyday for the past 4 years!" The sad thing was my dad isn't exaggerating when he says that I have been doing it for 4 years. "I love you dad. Gotta go Jason's waiting!" I said, I gave him a big kiss on the check and ran out the door breakfast in hand. Jason and Lindsay welcomed me, "Good morning Mack!" Jason grabbed my face and very carefully placed his soft lips on mine. "Disgusting" mumbled Lindsay under her breath as she moved to the back of the truck.

Lindsay and I had been best friends since first grade, and I had always had this huge embarrassing crush on her older brother. He had always thought of me as his other younger sister until the summer I was going into 9th grade. He was about to be a sophomore so he was only a year older. I was over at Lindsay's house sitting and watching tv with her mom and brother while she was at her dance class. " Hey Mack I need to show you something really quickly if you don't mind mom," said Jason. "Yeah go ahead," said his mom " I need some alone time anyway." I got up quickly and followed closely behind him, focusing on his perfectly toned body. "Mack!" He said, I had completely zoned out and didn't hear him talking to me. " Are you enjoying the view?" He said with a little grin. My face was bright red and I quietly told him to shut up. I had to keep this whole crush thing a secret, if Lindsay or Jason ever found out my life would be ruined. He guided me into his room sat down and patted the empty space next to him. He turned the tv on and looked at me, I couldn't exactly figure out what type of look I was getting. I was trying to decide between an I hate you more then I hate my sister type it look or an I like you type of look. I immediately assumed the first thought. " Am I really that annoying," I said, "why are you giving me that look?" He gave me a toothy grin with he's perfect teeth and chuckled, "Mack, I have been wanting to do this for a while," WHAT THE HELL WAS GOING ON!!! He put his hand on my cheek and brought his face and body closer to mine. His soft lips were gently placed on my forehead then my nose and finally my lips were pressed against his. His touch was soft but passionate as be pulled away I sat there shocked. Did that really just happen?!?! He continued to just stare at me " Your beautiful you know that? I mean your truly beautiful." I had no words, I was so confused and happy and I didn't know what to do. "Mack I am home." Screamed Lindsay from the bottom of the stairs. "You should go" he said as he planted one last kiss on my lips. "Yeah I guess I should" I said,kind of dazed and in my own world. I got up and left him in his room, Lindsay was too excited about her upcoming role in some dance production to notice how I was acting. Jason and j secretly dated for a month and then told Lindsay. Boy was she pissed but luckily she learned to accept it.

Bye Bye Mrs.MackenzieWhere stories live. Discover now