Chapter 45

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He posted this news in the morning, but there were not a few netizens who saw it, and it didn't take long for a group of people to blow up--

[Who is this? It's pretty nice. ]

[...Prince Xinyu, he will succeed as director soon. ]

[Awesome, I have a lot of appetite, but it's a pity that people don't like you. ]

[Damn, you're pretty good at picking people, so just fall in love with him unrequitedly. His condition is not something you, a poor little anchor, can match. ]

[Laughing, you might as well say it boldly, just say that he is your husband, okay! ]

[Good guy, I'm still eating this one. I'm a poor Zhijian anchor x Gao Leng president, it's very good. Do you have any tweets? ]

Before Fu Wan had time to respond, his wronged host manager responded first--

[Crazy-Old Zhang]: Hahahahaha, who died laughing so early in the morning? Killing me. If he is your husband, I'll just sterilize him.

Fu Wan: "..."

No one believes the truth, and rumors are flying everywhere.

He went out a little aggrieved, Qi Ye and his car were waiting for him downstairs.

After the marriage certificate, he and Qi Ye are going to receive the graduation certificate together.

The scene when the marriage certificate was photographed that day was still in front of his eyes. At that time, he was very happy, and his mind was full of thoughts of being good brothers with Qi Ye for the rest of his life.

Yesterday's dream was still hurting him, and he suddenly wanted to ask Qi Ye if he liked him a little too.

They went to the teacher to get their bachelor's uniforms. They were black and fell down to the calves. The quality of the clothes was not good. Qi Ye told him to turn around and fixed the neckline with pins.

Qi Ye's movements were very light, rubbing his neck slightly itchy, he resisted not moving, feeling the fine and tiny electric current slowly flowing through his neck.

"Brother..." he said, "Aren't you..."

"Okay, it's pretty good-looking." Qi Ye said, "Our Wanwan is the best-looking graduate today."

Since yesterday's kiss, the atmosphere between them seems to be a little delicate.

A few girls passed by, watching them whispering, Fu Wan guessed that the building where they were in the forum was about to be rebuilt.

He and Qi Ye are not from the same department, and the photo of them together is not together.

Four years passed in a hurry, if he had to think back, he would only remember all the fragments he spent with Qi Ye.

After taking the group photo, the graduates got together in twos and threes, with the flowers and plants of the same school, and left their final frame of four years.

Fu Wan was very popular, and many people took photos with him. Qi Ye waited by the side for a long time, and finally couldn't bear it anymore, he stepped forward and fished out his network operator from the sea of ​​people.

"Shoot with me!" Qi Ye said, "Shoot with your husband."

Graduation is a very important milestone for the two of them, and Qi Ye brought his own photographer.

This photographer happened to be the one who took the wedding photos for them.

Fu Wan still remembered that this guy was so picky about his actions and expressions at that time, he didn't understand it at the time, but now he knows it clearly.

Marriage by Agreement, Focus on Participation [MTL] (Completed)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora