Chapter 50

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"It's a match for sure." Fu Wan lay on the sofa, watching the fun with her Weibo account, "C major game department school grass, everyone loves it, it's definitely a good match for you."

"No loss, those who want to chase you in school can go around the playground." Qi Ye passed by, heard his whisper, glanced at him, and followed quietly, "But you are mine."

The average employment rate of University C is very high. Fu Wan and their majors were recruited by companies when they were in school. The students in the class basically had their own places to go, and they made an appointment for a graduation trip before employment.

[Fu Erdai]: Where are you going, everyone. Straight man in sunglasses grinning.jpg

[Sea Anemone]: Let's go to the south to see the sea.

[razor clam]: Agreed, who doesn't want to go to the beach in summer.

[Crab]: Then let's book tickets together, before everyone joins the job, let's have the last carnival of the student days.

[Starfish]: After looking at the ticket, it is suitable to leave next week, let's go to X city to see the sea and eat seafood!

[Kelp]: Awesome, I hope we can make interesting games in the future.

[Fu Erdai]: Good! That's all about packing, I love the beach.

After Fu Wan cheerfully agreed to the graduation trip in the game design department, it occurred to her that Qi Ye probably wouldn't be with him.

Although he is not interested, it doesn't mean that he doesn't understand Qi Ye's movements. In the past few days when he took office in Xinyu, there must be a big change within the Xinyu Group.

The Qi family's grandfather is getting old, and he often seeks stability and abandons benefits in the group's decision-making, but Qi Ye is different. He was raised specifically for power and profit, and he must not tolerate those old things who take money for security and live for nothing. .

"Graduation trip?" Qi Ye, who was typing on the computer, heard his beeping, "Go if you want, graduation trip is a very precious memory, if you miss it, you won't have such a good opportunity."

"But you're not with me." Fu Wan was thinking about whether to go or not.

"We haven't gone on our honeymoon trip yet. At that time, we thought it was unnecessary." Qi Ye reminded him, "If you want to, when I'm done with work, pick a place you like, and just the two of us go out."

"Okay!" Fu Wan's worries eased a little.

Qi Ye still had some work to do, so Fu Wan gave him the study and went to find a place on the balcony.

He really didn't want to care about the early public beta of the competing game, but the other party's subordinates directly scolded under the official blog of "Xiaomu Whispers".

[An intelligence-reducing game without splashes, stop the public beta. ]

[Laughing to death, the only game that I feel like the boss can't stand up to, the author is not a rich man, so let's learn about the life of the rich. ]

[Why don't you mention the public beta in August, the one that goes first has an advantage in the same kind of games. ]

[It is said that your production team is all fresh graduates, and all the painting teams are newcomers, is it really okay? ]

The game has not yet been officially tested, because competing games have brought rhythm, and doubts from all parties have come bravely, and it seems that they want to press the new game studio back into the cradle through verbal pressure.

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