Chapter 17 - Always in our hearts

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Alpha knight sipped on his own whiskey, seated in a wing back armchair in the VIP lounge. The lounge was built on one of the highest Hills of the Silver Moon pack, affording it a sweeping view of the magnificent pack grounds.

"I'm sure you recognise the whiskey, it's from the case you gifted me, it's been an extremely popular addition to the VIP lounge. I will surely be ordering more" said Alpha Roberts as he swirled the amber liquid in his own tumbler. "I must say, I wasn't that surprised you arrived early to Silver Moon. I thought you'd come sooner to keep an eye on your precious Delta. But then I heard she left, before you even arrived?"  Once again Alpha Roberts emphasised the word "Delta" with a knowing smirk. It was almost like he found it funny that Ava was Caden's Delta.

When Jacob had received a phone call from Beta Jaxon, informing him that Caden was on his way and required a private secluded cabin. Jacob had assumed the visiting Alpha was wanting to spend some intimate time with Ava, his secret lover and mate. What Jacob couldn't figure out is why Ava had left, reportedly shortly before Alpha Knight had even arrived at Silver Moon. Ava had been away from Mystic Falls and Caden for almost 3 weeks now, surely the Alpha was getting antsy to bang his mate. All Alphas have high levels of testosterone, and he was a blue blood, he must require constant sex.

"Mystic Falls has a strict policy, where either the Alpha, Beta or Delta need to be present at all times. As Beta Jaxon is away, and I was headed here, it was a necessary security measure for Delta Ava to head back to Mystic Falls immediately. Besides, I don't need to meet with her in person, we video conference regularly. She has kept me updated throughout her stay here." Caden said as he took another sip of his whiskey. He purposefully ignored Jacob's jab regarding Ava being his Delta. He was used to other packs giving him a hard time for having a female Delta, an extremely beautiful one at that. Quite frankly he didn't give a shit about the opinion of others on how he ran things.

"So Beta Jaxon is away and you're staying here until the ball. Which means Ava will be be in charge of the pack herself until then, and you're not worried about leaving your precious Ava alone for so long?" Mused the older Alpha. "How long have you been together with Ava, you've known her since you were pups, is that not right?"

Alpha Roberts intrusive line of questioning was starting to get on Caden's nerves. Why was he so interested in Ava all of a sudden?

"Ava is my lead warrior; she is more than capable of handling the security of our pack. You are right, Ava is precious to me, but no more precious than any other member of Mystic Falls. As leaders of our packs, it is our duty to ensure the safety of the entire pack at all times. Besides, Beta Jaxon is due to arrive back at Mystic Falls tomorrow. Ava will be back here by tomorrow evening, just in time for the Blood Moon Ball."


Alpha Roberts pondered over what Alpha Knight had told him regarding Ava being left in charge of Mystic Falls, as he left the VIP lounge. He wandered into his private residence and headed towards his master bedroom. As he went past the guest suite, which was now Luna Sophie's room, he noticed his mate was sitting at her vanity brushing her hair. He took a moment to observe her. At the age of 38, she was still so beautiful. Sophie looked like a more refined version of her niece Lily, with chestnut-coloured locks cascading down her back in soft curls. Sophie had stunning blue eyes, high cheek bones and soft full lips. Jacob yearned to hold her in his arms, and run his hand through her silky hair, like he used to.

"My darling you look so beautiful, would you like to take a walk together in your rose garden?" Inquired Jacob as he stepped into her bedroom and held out his arm for her. He knew Sophie liked to walk among her roses around this time of day.

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