From Bad to Worse

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I'm so sorry for keeping you guys waiting!!! Thanks @Horselover3k for getting me writing again. XD.


The flight was painful and long. Astrid's eyes snapped open for the fourth time in the last ten minutes when she started to drift off again. Even Stormfly stumbled in the air slightly. But the island was just coming into view. Fishlegs was right. It was extremely remote. No villages were anywhere near the island. Any islands around were completely infested with wild dragons and contained no vikings or any sign that they were ever there. 

"Finally..." Astrid heard Snotlout breathe from beside her. 

"Guys? I think Meatlug's wings are about to fall off," Fishlegs said, worriedly. Astrid glanced at his dragon and saw that her tongue was hanging out of her mouth and her eyes were drifting closed just as Astrid's were. 

"We'll stop at the island and make camp," Astrid decided. It was almost night anyway. They were flying all day, from the Edge to the island where the Red Grapple had come from. Though Astrid wanted to immediately search for the Grapple, there was no way they could search for it in the dark. And they'd all collapse after taking a few steps. They were all exhausted. 

When they landed, Astrid could hear Barf and Belch fall onto the beach sand at the edge of the ocean. Stormfly stumbled too, but managed to keep on her talons. 

"We need to find a camp spot," Astrid said with a stretch as she jumped off of Stormfly. 

Ruffnut landed on the sand as well but immediately fell onto her stomach. "Found one," She said from the ground, not bothering to get up. Astrid looked at Tuffnut who wasn't even awake, but asleep on his sleeping dragon. The beach wouldn't be such a bad spot to camp out. They would just need to find a water source in the morning. 

Astrid let out a yawn. "Alright," She said and everyone began to get ready to sleep. 

Meatlug almost shook the entire beach when she slumped to the ground. With a grumble, Fishlegs leaned against his dragon and fell into an instant sleep. Hockfang tucked his wings into himself as Snotlout leaned against him, arms crossed and helmet over his face. Just like the day they had come back from the ships. Tuff still hadn't moved. Neither did Ruff. Her position seemed uncomfortable to Astrid: Face pressed into the sandy ground, possibly breathing in sand. Barf and Belch were snoring slightly. Little sparks flew out of Belch's mouth. Barf's tongue was hanging out. Astrid sighed and laid against Stormfly who was just starting to drift into a soundless sleep. It wasn't too cold out. They didn't need blankets. If anything, it was quite warm. 

"Feels weird not having Hiccup and Toothless here, right girl?" Astrid asked quietly to Stormfly so the others wouldn't hear. She got a small grumble in reply. Astrid looked up into the sky. It was hard to see any stars, there was a light layer of clouds blocking them from view. But even then, Astrid could see the moon's light shining through. Astrid's eyes slid closed without her knowing. Right into a dreamless sleep. We'll find the dragon tomorrow. Astrid promised her uneasy self. And then we can save Hiccup. 


Hiccup's eyes opened slowly. The ceiling of his hut was starting to get old. Even if he did sleep there every day, even when he wasn't sick. Looking around without moving his neck, he could see that he was alone with Toothless. His father had most likely left a little after Hiccup had fallen asleep. His vision was slightly foggy. That's how it was most days, but Hiccup couldn't rub the fog out of his eyes even if he really wanted to. It hurt to move any of his muscles, which were tight and motionless. Even just laying there made them burn like fire. 

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