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Sorry for the cliffhanger in the last chapter, hopefully this will make up for it. XD


Agonizing pain wasn't the right words for what this felt like. It felt like his insides were being torn apart from the inside while the outside of his body was covered in Changewing acid then set on fire. Even that wasn't the correct feeling for it. It was more...pain. 

Hiccup fluttered his eyes open. Blurry figures were leaning over him. There was something pushing him down, even though he couldn't move if he wanted to. Who was holding. Hiccup's vision started to clear and he could see his father, Gothi, and Toothless looking down at him. Even Gothi, who usually had a stone cold expression looked full of worry. 

Hiccup groaned when his muscles became tense without him wanting them to. 

"Easy, son," Stoick said soothingly. Toothless licked Hiccup's face once but Hiccup couldn't bring his body to talk or push Toothless away. Hiccup tried opening his mouth to speak but nothing came out. He started coughing and moaned in pain after the coughs. "Thank you so much, Gothi." Hiccup could hear his father say. His vision was still clouded. 

"Wh-at-" Hiccup tried but couldn't force himself to say any further. Thor, why did it hurt so much?

"As soon as I left your hut, Toothless rushed to me," Stoick started to explain. "I rushed back and found you barely conscious. "You were twitching and jerking uncontrollably, and you passed out. Barely breathing and your heart barely beating. I didn't know what to do, but Gothi luckily came after at least ten minutes and was able to give you herbs and nurse you back to consciousness."

Hiccup's brain was working slowly and it took him a good second for him to process what his father was telling him. Subtle pain suddenly hit him and his muscles scratched up tighter. Hiccup inhaled a sharp breath from the pain. "Yeah....but what...was it?" Hiccup managed to ask. Gothi made her way over to Hiccup with a cup of liquid that she forced him to drink. It stung his throat slightly but made his muscles, which had a mind of their own, relax slightly.

"Gothi said it's called a seizure," Stoick said. "It causes your senses to go wack and is very dangerous." 

Hiccup couldn't even nod. He realized that the things that were pushing him down were ropes that were tied to the bed. All four, or three and a half, of his limbs were tied down to the bed. 

"You wouldn't stop jerking. We were afraid you were going to hurt yourself," Hiccup's father explained when he saw what Hiccup was glancing at. "Gothi fears that it might happen again," Stoick said sadly and apologetically.

"What do the seizures...mean?" Hiccup asked between rigid breaths.

Stoick looked to Gothi as she got out some sand and sprinkled it on the ground. She began to write with her stick and Stoick began translating, hesitantly, Hiccup noticed. "It's not good, son," Stoick said quietly, keeping his gaze at the floor where Gothi continued writing. His dad must have been learning some of Gothi's language, Hiccup couldn't remember his father knowing what the language was before. "If the seizures continue to get worse, it means that you step away from death." There were tears forming in his dad's eyes. And some on his own. Would things really work out?

Hiccup grunted from the bed when pain hit him so suddenly, that it caught him off guard. He grit his teeth together and closed his eyes, the tears threatening to pour. "What about...the others?" Hiccup asked, trying to ignore the pain. 

"I sent a Terror to them in a rush before Gothi got here," Stoick said, still looking at the ground. "Told them what happened. And I sent Gobber back to Berk. I don't think I want to leave you in a state like this."

An Unknown Sickness - httydOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant