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| Jackson |

The guards would be arriving any time now. Jackson trembled nervous as he stared at the bars, dreading the moment they turned up. He was going to have to run faster than he'd ever run, and he was going to have to fight the urge to turn back and help his packmates. They were all relying on him to get out of Kane's territory, and he was going to do whatever it took to do it.

He glanced around at everyone. They all looked ready; the dedication in their eyes was enough to amp Jackson up. He was ready, too. But when he set his eyes on Wilson, a frown stole his anxious stare. His friend was sitting in the corner with a conflicted—no, that was an anguished scowl on his face. Why?

"Jackson," came Tokala's voice.

Jackson took his eyes off his friend and looked at the orange-haired man. "Yeah?"

The Zeta crouched beside him and placed his hand on his shoulder. "You doing okay?"

He nodded. "Yeah, I'm just...a little nervous."

"Don't be. You've got this. And remember, just keep running. No matter what, don't turn back."

Jackson nodded again as his heart raced in his chest. He was anxious, he was worried, and he was terrified, but he wouldn't let it stop him.

Tokala then got up and went over to Damon, who was telling everyone where they should be and what they should do. Jackson thought he should listen in case he couldn't immediately flee, but that was when Wilson appeared beside him.

"Jack, can I talk to you for a sec?" the muto asked.

Looking up at him, Jackson said, "Uh...yeah. What's wrong?"

Wilson sighed deeply as he sat beside him. He glanced at Jackson's face, looked over at the pack, and huffed hesitantly.

"What?" Jackson questioned worriedly. He knew that face; Wilson was panicking, and he didn't blame him. They could all die in the next few minutes.

The muto then looked at him and said, "I'm just...gonna say something, and I need you to listen, okay?"

He frowned and nodded slowly. "Okay..." he drawled.

"This might be the last time we see each other; you could die, I could die—hell, we could both die. And...while I was trapped out here, I spent the first few weeks really thinking about all the shit I wish I'd said or done, and...one of those things was telling you how I...how I really feel about you, Jack."

Jackson's racing heart beat a little faster, and his anxiety's focus shifted from the plan to what Wilson was about to say.

"I always hated seeing you bring all these guys home, and it wasn't just because I was protective of you." Wilson huffed and looked down at the ground. "I fucking love you, okay?" he uttered, his voice breaking. "I always have, and I never knew how to tell you, and I took too fucking long to do it because now you're out here mated to some Alpha, and here I am...too late," he said sullenly as he lifted his head and looked at Jackson's face again.

He didn't know what to say. He didn't know what to think. Wilson's confession left him both confused and startled, but it felt almost as if a part of him always knew that Wilson loved him. They'd been together since they were kids; they knew so much about each other, and the only time they'd been separated was when Wilson was kidnapped and sent to Ascela.

Wilson then frowned in distress. "Say something...please?"

Jackson snapped out of his thoughts and looked away. His heart beat harder, angst filled his chest, and he began to feel overwhelmed. Did he love Wilson? No...he loved Damon. Of course, he loved Wilson like a brother, but not in the way Wilson was suggesting.

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